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-Jeongyeon, don't be like that. Dad deserves to be happy.- said Seungyeon, her older sister, trying to reason with the blonde, who was lying on her bed observing the view outside the window.

The city of Seoul was quite cold on that October evening and heavy rain had hit the homes of the South Korean citizens of that large city. A typical day to do nothing and relax, at least that's what Jeongyeon had thought when she returned home, soaking wet from the weather phenomenon. When she came out of the bathroom, after taking a long, hot shower, and wearing her comfortable, warm clothes, her sister, Soyeon, decided to disturb her, not allowing her to see the drama she so wanted to watch.

-Dad needs to talk to us.- Soyeon said on the edge of the bedroom door of the youngest of the three sisters.

Jeongyeon went towards her sister and together they went down to the living room, where their father and their older sister, Seungyeon, were waiting for them comfortably sitting on the sofa. Mr. Yoo, the girls' father, had a big smile on his face and Seungyeon was insisting to get some information before the other two sisters, as she was the eldest of his daughters. As Soyeon and Jeongyeon sat down next to Seungyeon, across from their father, Mr. Yoo cleared his throat with a cough.

-Girls, I have some news that's fantastic for me, I hope it's the same for you.- said Mr. Yoo quite excitedly.

The three sisters cast curious glances at each other, trying to study each other's gaze, but none of them had the slightest idea of ​​what their father wanted to tell them. They looked back at the man and waited for him to speak.

-You know how important your mother was in my life. I loved her with all of myself. Unfortunately, she is not here among us. When I found out she wasn't going to make it, I felt the world fall on me. Suddenly, however, a woman entered my life. It wasn't planned, but I feel good with her. My partner and I have been together for five months and in a week she will move here.

Jeongyeon, after listening carefully to her father's entire speech, got up and ran into the room, without listening to her sister Soyeon's calls.

-I'll go.- Seungyeon said, getting up and going up the stairs that led to the three sisters' bedrooms. Seungyeon arrived at the second door in the hallway and entered without even knocking, sitting on the bed next to his sister.

-Jeongyeon, don't be like that. Dad deserves to be happy.

Jeongyeon wasn't listening to her, she was too busy looking at the sight, perhaps because the drops of rain falling on the buildings were more interesting than the useless words of her sister, perhaps because those drops symbolized Jeongyeon's tears that she had so much withheld. It cannot be said that her life was simple. Her mother had died because of her, or at least all her relatives had always held it against her, other than her sisters. The truth was that Ms. Yoo had been warned that if she gave birth to her daughter, her life expectancy would be low. Ms. Yoo had decided to go through childbirth but sadly, a few hours after giving birth to Jeongyeon, she had died. «It was my decision, don't blame my little Jeongyeon. If anyone were to lash out at her, I would live in torment in Heaven.» was one of the many things Mrs. Yoo said as she held her husband's hand tightly and held, in her other arm, her newborn baby. What more can be said about Yoo Jeongyeon's life? She grew up without a mother and under accusations of having killed her, she had lived a tormented childhood full of doubts. Had she really killed her mother? How was this possible? She wasn't even aware of what she was doing. For years she never had any friends. She understood that people other than her family, which consisted of her father and two sisters, were bad and should be avoided. As she grew up, she slowly began to have friends, including her longtime friend, Park Jihyo, who had never abandoned her. Her father, then, when the girl was ten, started going out with women. For the three daughters it was something normal, but then they discovered that their father had on average one new girl a week. There was something wrong and the three spoke to him and told him that they agreed with the idea of ​​him finding a partner, as long as she was permanent. Mr. Yoo continued to frequent clubs with strippers and then, a few months ago, he stopped bringing girls home. The three became suspicious. Jeongyeon didn't know what to think of the news: finally a stable companion, but why make her move in immediately? Shouldn't he have made sure that his partner would treat them well? Did he already trust her that much? How long did he know her? Was he with her even when he still went to clubs? Did he continue to frequent those places? In any case, she would finally have the long-awaited and much-needed maternal figure, even if she was now grown up, but some feminine advice from a mature woman would always have been good.

-I'm just afraid of having a stranger in the house. We don't know her, Seungyeon.

-I know... But dad would never put just any woman in the house. I think.- The doubt had arisen in her too, thinking back to when he showed up at home with a thirty-year-old woman when Jeongyeon was thirteen, he had locked himself in his room and since then he had taken that habit. Mr. Yoo had simply gone crazy overnight. "Midlife crisis" his mother justified it and "The trauma of losing your mother made it worse" stated their uncle, the one who had taken care of them the most.

-We can't even trust dad anymore.

-Don't say that... Of course... It wasn't the best move to bring stranger women into the house, especially when you were little, but we can always trust him as a father.

-I don't know... Remember when he lost his head for that prostitute? What if he were to do the same? What if he were to start preferring his partner to us?

Seungyeon remembered it very well: their father had given all his money to that lady, who had disappeared, and that was when he had gone even more crazy.

can i give to jeongyeon a normal life for once?

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