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Days had now passed and days had become weeks. The routine was practically the same: Nayeon and Jeongyeon not talking to each other much, since they didn't have much to say to each other; Sana who no longer frequented the Yoo house since she and Jeongyeon broke up; Soyeon and Seungyeon spending time with their family in the evening; and Mr. Yoo coming home late except on Saturdays and Sundays.

Jeongyeon was sitting on the couch when she heard the doorbell.

"We should give her the house keys." Jeongyeon thought, getting up to open the door and finding herself in front of Tzuyu.

-Parasite, how are you?

-In the end Sana didn't come running back into your arms.

-No, but she's no longer with you. Is Nayeon home?

-Where else could she be?

-Well, then tell her to get her cute ass over here.

-Why don't you tell her?

-Uh... I see you're still in very bad terms.

-Did we ever get along?

-You're not wrong. I'm going to Nayeon.

The Taiwanese went to the room of her friend and her partner, while Jeongyeon remained on the sofa.

-Tzuyu, thank goodness you're here! I don't know what to do.

-Do you need some pills for the old man?

-No! This isn't it! Stop it! It's my parents... They insist on meeting my partner. Yuna gave them the address and they are surprised that it is Chef Kyungsoo's address.

-Ah... And why would your sister give them the address?

-You know how my father is. Now what should I do?

-I have an idea...


-Today it's just us at lunch.- Nayeon said, approaching the sofa.

-Has Tzuyu already left?

-For a while. Didn't she gre... It's Tzuyu. Do you want me to... Do something special for you?- she asked, sitting next to her.

Jeongyeon raised an eyebrow. -Do what you want.

-Listen, you love your father, right?


-And you know how much he cares about me.

Jeongyeon sighed. -Yes.

-My father wants to come here. My sister gave him the address. He will come tomorrow. I need help.

-Do you, Im Nayeon, need help? From me? What do you want?

-Pretend to be my girlfriend.

-Huh!? They'll find out about us right away, we just insult each other.

-It's about pretending for a couple of hours. They'll come for lunch and then leave. You don't know how important the relationship with your father is to me.

-Of course... To get to ask me for help... But... What do I get in return?

-I should have expected it. What do you want?

-To spend a night with you.

-What, excuse me!? You must be joking!

-These are the agreements.

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