O7-Need you

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🐰need you🐶

WARNING: presence of 18+ content.

Sana rang the bell and Nayeon got up from the table to open it, finding herself in front of the girl she hated so much.

-Hi Nayeon.- Sana greeted her quickly and then ran upstairs.

Nayeon closed the door behind her and glared at the Japanese girl. Who knows what to do with Jeongyeon that was so urgent to do. Ah... When Tzuyu would arrive...

Sana arrived at Jeongyeon's door and knocked. The blonde got up and opened the door, letting her girlfriend in, then she locked the door. Jeongyeon walked towards Sana, taking her by the hips and placing her lips on those of the Japanese woman, who immediately reciprocated by placing her arms around her neck. After deepening her kiss, making it, for Sana, -since it already was for Jeongyeon- lustful, Jeongyeon detached her lips from the girl's, aggressively pushed her onto her bed and placed herself on top of her. Sana wasn't waiting for anything else: she and Jeongyeon hadn't had a relationship of that kind for over three months- the last time they had it, about three months before, Jeongyeon had run away from home following an argument with her father. Jeongyeon quickly took off Sana's shirt, throwing it on the floor and then did the same to her shoes. Sana got rid of her bra, while Jeongyeon was busy removing her jeans and then her panties. When Sana was stripped of her clothes, Jeongyeon looked at her exposed breasts with lust and began to massage them with her hands, squeezing them just hard enough to release the anger she had pent up inside of her. Sana knew very well that Nayeon was in the house but she couldn't help but moan. Then again, Jeongyeon didn't even care if Nayeon heard them. After venting her anger with the strength of her hands, she looked down at her girlfriend's intimacy and squeezed her thigh with her hand.


-Tell me what you want, sl*t.- Jeongyeon said full of lust.

Jeongyeon certainly didn't mean to offend Sana and the Japanese woman knew it very well. That was simply the nickname she used in bed, particularly when she found herself being violent like that morning.

-Your sl*t wants you to f*ck her.- Sana said breathlessly.

A smirk appeared on Jeongyeon's face and she moved her fingers into Sana's privacy.

-Know that I won't be gentle.- Jeongyeon said while Sana was already screaming, more from the pain than from the pleasure.

Jeongyeon pushed deeper and deeper and went faster and faster. As much as she was angry about Nayeon's issue, she could also seriously hurt Sana.

Meanwhile, downstairs Nayeon was hearing everything and couldn't believe Jeongyeon was having sex with someone under the same roof as her.

Sana released her liquid onto Jeongyeon's fingers, who got up and went to rinse off in the bathroom, while she caught her breath, still finding herself exhausted on the bed on her stomach. When Jeongyeon came out of the bathroom, she found Sana wearing her underwear and picking up her shirt from the floor. Sana turned her head towards Jeongyeon and smiled at her.

-What do I owe this treatment to?- Sana asked her satisfied.

-Nothing in particular. I needed you.- Jeongyeon said trying to keep the relationship going and trying to force herself to love Sana, because Sana deserved to be loved by her, as she was the only one, besides Jihyo, who had never abandoned her.

-We hadn't done it in months. Thank you, Jeong!- Sana exclaimed happily as she put on her jeans.

Jeongyeon watched her get dressed, even though she wasn't actually looking at her, she was just lost in her thoughts. When Sana finished dressing, she jumped up from the bed and walked towards Jeongyeon, leaving a kiss on her lips.

-I love you, Jeong.- Sana said still taken by her emotion.

Jeongyeon just smiled at her. Sana knew very well that Jeongyeon wasn't the type of person to show feelings, and although she obviously wanted to receive affection, she never pointed it out, because she knew that she had had a complicated life, so she had every right to be cold.

Jeongyeon walked Sana down and waved at her door.

-Say bye to Nayeon.- Sana said.

Jeongyeon closed the door, and when she turned around, Nayeon walked out of the kitchen, pretending to be passing by by chance.

-Sana is greeting you.- Jeongyeon said.

Nayeon, however, ignored her and continued walking to the door opposite the kitchen, as well as her and Mr. Yoo's bedroom.

-Always very polite...

Nayeon clenched her fists and forced herself not to react. Yoo Jeongyeon didn't deserve her wrath.

-Said by the one with the girlfriend who screams as if they were torturing her is talking about being polite.

Nayeon turned and looked at Jeongyeon with a smirk. She thought she had won with that statement but she had forgotten that Jeongyeon liked to respond in kind.

-Oh yes? Yet it was you who was screaming in the math classroom three years ago. And why didn't they expel you? Ah yes... Because you also had sex with the teacher of English.

-This has never happened! If they didn't expel me it's because my father spoke to the principal.

-Who was his friend, right? That's why you always had the highest grades. Speaking of your father... How did he take this issue? I mean about the relationship with my father? Did you tell him?

-Of course I told him. I'm a grown woman, I do what I want.

-And what does he think?

-As long as he is from a good family, it will be fine.

-You didn't tell him his age, right?

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -No, okay? How do you think he would take it? He would prefer a lesbian daughter to one with a fifty year old. On the other hand, my sister Yuna has already come out and a year ago my father learned to accept her and likes her girlfriend.

-And what will you do when your father wants to meet your boyfriend?

-I will find a way, but this is none of your business. Now disappear.

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