New book?

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I retire, I won't write anymore.

Now that I'm done being a clown, let's move on.

Thanks for rereading the book, and if this was your first time reading it, then you're lucky because the previous version sucked. However, from chapter 25 I will change everything.

So the new book I published is called "운명" not because I study Korean and I want to show it, but because I would like you not to understand but understand at the same time and the title is quite explanatory, so don't translate it (it's not true, I'm kidding by the way, you won't understand anything regardless. It means "destiny" and now that I think about it "destiny" was much more appropriate but oh well, I've already made the cover).

If you're still reading I really appreciate it, leave a comment here so I know you're still here.

The plot:
The divorce is upon us but they were destined to love each other.

It's a slightly too long oneshot, so in the end it ended up as an 11-chapter book. Don't complain if it's not the ending you expected or if it doesn't have a precise ending, because it's just outlined like a one-shot.

Important thing: it's a set-list fanfiction. What is a setlist fanfiction? I don't know, I just made it up. Practically every chapter will have the title of a song and at the beginning you will find the quote of the song in the title. Having said that, now you can go and read it <3

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