18-It's Hot

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🐰it's hot🐶

The two girls walked towards the house and Jeongyeon opened the door, letting her stepmother in before her. Once they were both inside, Nayeon began waving a hand in front of her face.

-Nayeon!- Kyungsoo exclaimed. -Jeongyeon, darling. How are you?

-Kyungsoo, haven't you had the air repaired yet? It's very hot here.- Nayeon complained.

-I know honey.

Jeongyeon observed them: she was sure that there was nothing between the two.

-It's hot. Do you mind if I stay in my underwear?- Nayeon asked.

Kyungsoo swallowed. -Well... You should ask Jeongyeon. I... I have to go out now. And I hope it's hot tonight too.

Jeongyeon looked at them in disgust. -Go ahead. I'm going upstairs.- she said, looking away from Nayeon and going upstairs.

Nayeon was right, it was really hot. Too bad that Jeongyeon's heat was due to the brunette. The blonde paced back and forth in her room, thinking about what to do, especially thinking that her ex-lover was down, with nothing on. But she wasn't her girlfriend, there were at least two people before her. Jeongyeon took a deep breath and opened the door, touching the handle with a shaking hand. She left her room and went downstairs, knowing not to look, because the only thing she wanted was water for her dry throat and the last thing she wanted was to have the weight of having done a terrible wrong on her conscience to herself, because she knew Nayeon didn't deserve her, after everything she had done to her. Jeongyeon, after drinking two glasses of water, left the kitchen and walked quickly towards the stairs.

-Hey! Are you avoiding me?- Nayeon asked, pausing the movie she was watching, then getting up and walking towards Jeongyeon.

-I'm not avoiding you.- Jeongyeon said while still not looking at her.

-Oh. I understand. You don't want to look at me because I turn you on.- said Nayeon, who continued to be very confident.

Nayeon moved Jeongyeon's face with her hands making her look at her. The blonde's eyes fell on the lace bra she had seen that morning, but she looked up immediately.

-Are you sexually frustrated?-Nayeon asked her, caressing her right cheek.

Jeongyeon bit her lower lip as her gaze fell on Nayeon's cleavage. The brunette could feel the other's labored breathing right on her face. Their faces were inches apart and Nayeon had never liked small spaces. The brunette slowly approached Jeongyeon's face, who, out of desperation, closed her eyes. Nayeon's soft, pink lips brushed against the blonde's.

-I turn you on, don't I?- she whispered with her lips barely touching the blonde's.

-Nayeon, you already do favors for my father and then-

The brunette placed her lips on Jeongyeon's, and she immediately pulled away with tears in her eyes. -You're only doing it because that idiot turned you on, that's just why, like you did at school too. You don't want me.

-You're right.- Nayeon whispered to her. -But we haven't seen each other for three years, don't you want to remember when your life finally made sense? Jeongyeon... Own me.

-No.- she said, walking away.

Nayeon moved closer to her and started moaning in her ear. Turning on people who submitted to her was one of her specialties. And it was there that she won Jeongyeon, it was there that the blonde lost her rationality. Jeongyeon threw herself onto the brunette's lips and picked her up, while the older one wrapped her legs around the other's waist and her arms around the back of her neck, without ever leaving each other's lips. Jeongyeon walked towards the front door, her father and Nayeon's room. At that moment, both had lost their rationality. Jeongyeon locked the door with difficulty and carried Nayeon onto the bed, placing herself on top of her. They finally broke away and Jeongyeon looked with love and lust at the girl under her, who still had her arms and legs around the younger one. Jeongyeon began to leave kisses on Nayeon's neck, while the older girl took her shirt off her, revealing Jeongyeon's perfect body, with some pretty sculpted abs. The girl wanted to remove the blonde's sports bra, but the opposite happened. Jeongyeon finally unclasped Nayeon's lace bra and slid the straps down her arms, finally revealing what she dreamed of seeing most of all; Jeongyeon stood still, staring at her chest area, after throwing the garment to the floor. The younger one began to fondle her breasts, while she left several kisses on Nayeon's abdomen, making her begin to moan. She then moved her mouth up to her chest and began to suck on one of her breasts, leaving a hickey. Proudly observing her work, which she had never done to Sana, because she didn't want everyone to know that she was hers as much as she wanted to let people know that Nayeon was hers, Jeongyeon placed her hands on Nayeon's still covered intimacy and began to massaging the area where her clit was, making the room fill with screams from the pleasure Nayeon was feeling.

-You have to beg me.- Jeongyeon whispered to her.

-In your dreams.- Nayeon told her. -And... Maybe it's better if we end it here.

-Ah... I understand... Of course... It amuses you that I'm frustrated. You have my father anyway, don't you? You made me break up with Sana and-

-You don't know how much I like seeing you suffer.

Jeongyon stood up and promised herself not to cry.

-You're a b*tch, a horrible being. Only with Minhyuk would you be fine. Now cover yourself, I wouldn't want my father to think that I could have touched you. Do you know what? You're sexy, but you disgust me. And your body disgusts me right now, because I know it belongs to you.

And so Jeongyeon picked up her shirt, got up and left that room, swearing to herself that this would be her last time, that she would never fall for it again.

see who shows up again
not me because you can't see me (I'm sorry for you, you don't know what you're missing)

publicity moment: I'm selling several things of twice and other groups
you can find me on ig as nayeon_tradesale or on vinted as co0urtney (co zero urtney)

you can already imagine my reaction to na
Anyone who follows me on ig knows I'm crazy haha

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