29-Kyungsoo knows it

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🐰kyungsoo knows it🐶

-Can you explain this to me? -Mr. Yoo asked in the armchair while observing his daughter and Nayeon on the opposite sofa.

-What, exactly? Why were we together?- Jeongyeon asked. -Simply because she offered to give me a lift. Seungyeon and I went to apologize to the director on your behalf.

-No, why my ex said she loves you.

-Did you say that?- Jeongyeon asked, turning sharply towards the older girl. -Did you say you love me?

-Do you want to explain to me?

-I never said I loved Jeongyeon.- Nayeon intervened.

-And who were you talking about? You were looking at my daughter after she gave you that kiss on your cheek. Can you explain to me?

Jeongyeon clenched her fists. -I don't know if Nayeon really said that she loves me, but I can actually explain to you how I feel about her. Dad, Nayeon and I had some sort of relationship in high school and you would know it if you just cared more about me and my sisters. And I haven't stopped thinking about her all this time. Seeing her with you... It made me feel strange, because I shouldn't have felt anything for my father's partner but... I was there first, that's what I constantly thought about. I'm sorry dad, I hope you can accept our relationship if we ever decide to be together.

Kyungsoo sighed. -Okay but... Why were you with me if you loved my daughter?- he asked Nayeon.

-I didn't know she was your daughter. And I didn't know I actually had feelings for her. I still don't know how I actually feel about her.

-Or maybe you can't admit that you love someone like me because you're afraid of what Tzuyu might say. Even she has given up and is with Sana.- the blonde told her.

-Can we talk about it another time? Kyungsoo, listen to me, we had an agreement, that's all. Jeongyeon and I have had ups and downs but I would appreciate it if you didn't get mad at your daughter. Hate me, it would be good for everyone.

-I don't hate anyone, I just wish you would have been honest with me. Jeongyeon, especially you, you should have told me, I would never put you in trouble like this. I love you and would do anything for you.

-Could you start by stopping obsessing over Nayeon and actually go to therapy?

-I can try to do it, sure.

-I think that's all, I'll go then.- Nayeon said, getting up.

-Yes, goodbye.- Kyungsoo greeted her.

-I'll accompany you.- Jeongyeon said, getting up with her. She opened the door for her and looked into her eyes for a few seconds. -So you love me, huh?

-Get that idiotic smile off your face.

Jeongyeon chuckled. -As you wish, love.

-What an idiot. I have never said that. Your father hears voices.

-I could believe this. I mean, more credible than you having feelings for me, right? Maybe I'd have to get you drunk to hear you say that.

-If this is your way of asking me out, it sucks.

-It seems to me that you are the one inviting me.

-I can't believe you had three girls behind you.

-Four, you were there too.

-Since when do you have so much self-esteem that you can talk to me like that?

-Since I realized that Im Nayeon liked me.

-Oh, please. You know what I liked about us.

-Something you haven't been able to experience yet.


-If you want to experience it, go out to dinner with me tonight.

-Bye Jeongyeon.

-I'll come get you at nine.

The girl didn't answer, but she hadn't refused either. Jeongyeon closed the door and leaned against it. Was she perhaps dreaming? Had the stars finally aligned?

Nayeon sat down in front of the wheel and took a deep breath. She called her best friend seeking comfort.


-I'm happy to hear you too.

-Is this about the chef you used to f*ck?

-His daughter.

-What now?

-I have a date with her.

-Huh!? In what sense?

-In the sense that the poor girl can't live without me and wants to take me out to dinner.

-She can't live without you, huh? You sabotaged all her dates with Rosé.

-Please, she's the one who sabotaged herself by dating Rosé.

-Mh... Be yourself.

-What? Maybe there was interference.

Tzuyu rolled her eyes. -I'm not saying stop being a b*tch, but you could at least do it when you're with her. You've been through enough, haven't you? I wouldn't say it if I didn't know how much you like her. I promise I'll insult her less too.

-If you say so...

-Right because I say it you have to listen to me. It's time for you to be happy. She won't make you suffer like Minhyuk but you should try not to make her suffer either.

-She made Sana suffer.

-Because she loved you. I'll take care of Sana now. You just try to keep her away from my girlfriend.

Nayeon couldn't believe that even Tzuyu was telling her to finally hit on someone like Jeongyeon. Maybe she should have listened to her. She ended the call and went to her house. Surely her mother would be over the moon knowing that her daughter "was back" with Jeongyeon. Of course, she had to get with her first. She hated to admit it but she was finally feeling happy after so many months. Now she had a lot of work to do: she had to choose the dress to wear, the jewels, the hairstyle to have... But then she smiled. She realized that Jeongyeon had loved her too seeing her in her pajamas or wool sweater, she didn't care what she was wearing. Jeongyeon was different. That was why she had been afraid to tell her how she felt. With Jeongyeon she knew that she was about to lose all the control she had up to that point exerted over her ex.

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