O8-When I was your man

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🐰when i was your man🐶

Jeongyeon and Nayeon spent their day in their rooms respectively. Jeongyeon explained what happened that day to Jihyo, while Nayeon just watched some movies. Around seven o'clock or so, Seungyeon and Soyeon returned and Nayeon, quite bored, decided to go and talk to them. When she walked out of the room, she saw Seungyeon on the couch with her phone and Soyeon going up.

-Hi.- Nayeon greeted her going towards the sofa.

-Hey, Nayeon. Sit down.- Seungyeon invited her, looking away from her phone and placing it next to her.

Nayeon sat next to Seungyeon and realized that she didn't know what to talk about.

-How was university?- Nayeon asked to break the ice.

-As always. I took some notes and then went to the agency. Oh. Right. I'm an actress. I haven't debuted as such yet but I've made a few appearances.

Nayeon was surprised. She also wanted to be an actress. She recognized that Seungyeon really had the face of an actress, in fact she was very beautiful. The three Yoo sisters were all very beautiful but each had a different beauty. Seungyeon was the more feminine and sophisticated one; Soyeon was feminine but she had a more casual style; Jeongyeon had both feminine and tomboy features.

-What are you doing, Nayeon?

-I am currently looking for a job.

Seungyeon nodded. The eldest of the sisters thought that Nayeon was a good person and she felt sorry that she was so hated by Jeongyeon.

-Speaking of my sister, I'm sorry for her behavior. It's all so new to her. She was used to just having me, Soyeon and dad.

At that moment, Nayeon wanted to yell at Seungyeon not to defend her sister, because that morning she had made inappropriate noises knowing that she was in her house. Nayeon faked a smile and shook her head.

-Of course, I understand.

Seungyeon was very relieved by Nayeon's understanding nature.

-What time is your father coming back?- Nayeon asked, trying to change the subject.

-The restaurant closes at 11 pm, so around a quarter past eleven.

Nayeon nodded. She must have known that it wouldn't be easy to live with the owner of one of the best restaurants in the city.

-I'm going to take a shower. See you at dinner?- Seungyeon said getting up and looking at Nayeon.

The brunette nodded and Seungyeon went up to her room. Nayeon was officially alone and she didn't know what to do. She didn't have Jeongyeon to talk to, she only had Kyungsoo and maybe Seungyeon and Soyeon, when she wasn't working, Tzuyu. Ah... But Tzuyu never worked. She sighed in resignation and got up to prepare dinner.

Jeongyeon was in her room texting Jihyo. She felt terribly guilty for Sana and she hated Nayeon's behavior with all her heart.

-Same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now...

Jeongyeon raised an eyebrow. Who did that discordant voice belong to? Could it be the tenant downstairs? She immediately looked out the window and saw a figure that she couldn't recognize due to the darkness.

-Mm, too young, too dumb to realise
That I should have bought you flowers
And held your hand
Should have given you all my hours
When I had the chance
Take you to every party 'cause all you wanted to do was dance.

-Oh my God!

-Now my baby's dancing
But she's dancing with another man.

-Minhyuk! Is that you!?

-Nayeon! Finally the right building! Yuna gave me the wrong number.

-Minhyuk, what are you doing?

-A serenade. Because you say I'm never romantic. Why don't you come down?

-Be thankful that Kyungsoo isn't here.

-That? If he comes I'll knock him down.

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes at the boy's pride.

-Go away, Minhyuk. It's over between us. I don't love you anymore. Why don't you go to one of your girls?- she said and then closed the window.

Jeongyeon laughed out loud.

-What... And what are you doing here?

-Guess who your girlfriend lives with now? In fact, I should say ex. Remember when you made fun of me by making me think you liked me? And instead... It seems that in the end it was her who liked me.

-No... Nayeon didn't leave me for you.

Jeongyeon raised an eyebrow. -Are you convinced?

At that point Minhyuk was no longer convinced of anything. He texted Nayeon but she had already blocked him a few weeks earlier. He looked up again but Jeongyeon was already gone.


Jeongyeon sat on the bed and laughed at the face Minhyuk made. He deserved it.

-It's ready!- Nayeon's voice boomed through the house.

Jeongyeon left the phone on the bed and went downstairs, where he found her sisters arguing as always.

-Did you hear that guy singing?- Soyeon asked.

Jeongyeon chuckled. -Quite a good match to be with.

Nayeon slammed the plate down in front of her. -A bit like dopey Japanese women.

-Well but Japanese women are sexy. Someone with that voice is not.

-Maybe she can't sing but she has other talents, like boxing.

-Yet he failed to defend his relationship and was dumped.

-Was he someone you know?-Seungyeon asked confused.

-An old acquaintance of Sana's.- Jeongyeon explained.

-Minhyuk is a sexy guy, that's why his ex was with him.

-Ah, so you admit it's just for that.

-Also for other things.

-Like?- She raised an eyebrow.

-Let's eat.

-Well, he was useless. Not even...

-Not even what?

-You know... We heard a lot of things about Minhyuk and his ex. Many said that he didn't even make her orgasm. Ever heard something like this?

Nayeon coughed. -Maybe I've heard about it.

-Ah, so it's true.

Soyeon and Seungyeon looked at each other confused, trying to understand the relationship between the two. It was clear that it wasn't just Sana who knew that Minhyuk.

-Not always. 40% of the time he let her have it.

-And what about his ex? Was she good? So why did he go looking for something in other women?

Nayeon slammed her hand on the table. -It's not nice to talk about people you don't know.

It was clear, it was revenge for all those years.

I don't know if I'm the only one, but every time I imagine what online people look like. I remember that I imagined one of my first friends to be brown-haired with glasses, but instead she had black hair and didn't wear glasses
Out of curiosity, what do you think I look like?

(Random thought: I've noticed that the older we get, the more difficult we have to show affection. Maybe because we're afraid that others will find our behavior embarrassing. Or maybe I'm the only one haha)

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