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Kyungsoo had left early to avoid talking to Nayeon, while the Yoo sisters were one on set and the other at a friend's place to study, while the other... Nayeon didn't even know if she had returned that night . She closed the last suitcase and mentally prepared herself for having to face her parents and all the lies she would have to tell. She walked out of Kyungsoo's room and looked around to see if she had forgotten anything in the living room.

-Are you leaving?- asked a voice on the stairs.

Nayeon turned and smiled falsely. -In the end you won: I'm leaving. Your father is free.

-Did you already get what you wanted?

-Yes and... Your father fell in love with me. Better for everyone if I go.

-Yes, you caused several problems by coming to live here.

-At least you found the courage to break up with Sana. Tzuyu and I did something positive.

-Of course, you owe me a lot of favors both for making me break up with my ex and for everything you did to me at school.

-Sooner or later we will pay you back.

-I doubt it.

-You are right.

-So it ends here. Is dad waiting for you outside?

-I called a taxi. Tell your father and sisters that I say bye to them.

-Where will you go?

-To my parents'. I will say that you are still in love with your ex.

-Why do I have to look like the bad guy?

-Because you don't have to deal with those people.

-I guess Minhyuk is thrilled with the news.- she said, going down the last remaining steps.

-He doesn't know it yet but he will know it soon. This time it'll be fine, I can feel it.

-Why? Because he say he's changed?- Jeongyeon asked leaning against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest. -He said it too at school and look at you... You even ended up in bed with a loser.

-Do not remind me. It was a dark period in my life. And to call yourself a loser is an euphemism.

-At least I was a loser who gave you pleasure.

Nayeon received a text. -It's the taxi. I hope we never meet again.

-Oh I hope so too.

Nayeon took her bags to take them out, while Jeongyeon went to the kitchen, where she was headed before meeting the brunette. She finally was able to drink her glass of water and then go back to her room and read a book.

-I hope I haven't forgotten anything.- Nayeon said, taking her bag last.

Jeongyeon approached her. -Oh let's hope not. All we need is for you to come back because you forgot the straightener.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -See you again in the next life, Yoo.

-Bye, Im.

Nayeon grabbed Jeongyeon by the collar of her shirt. -And remember that I hate you, I hate you with all of myself.

-I hate you too.

-I hate you like you stole something precious.

-And I feel like you ruined my life. Wait... It happened.

Nayeon giggled proudly at her mischievous action and pulled the blonde closer, making their lips touch. Jeongyeon reciprocated a little hesitantly but felt that Nayeon was confident in her movements. What was wrong with kissing an attractive girl? It would be the last time they would see each other, they might as well take advantage of the opportunity and then she had already told her that she hated her. Nayeon pulled away and turned around, Jeongyeon watched her definitively move away from her house, from her father, from her life. Nayeon opened the front door and moved back. A boy got out of the car and the girl smiled, then she threw herself around his neck, while Minhyuk wrapped his arms around her waist. Jeongyeon smiled bitterly and closed the door, this time for good. By now Nayeon Im was only an unpleasant memory of her life, only that girl who had bullied her, since she didn't even have the right to remember those pleasant moments spent in her arms as her lover.



The Japanese girl rolled her eyes. -You again?

-Did you think you would get rid of me so easily? I know all your schedules by heart.

-Then don't be surprised if you get a stalking complaint.

-For that you have to report Natty.

-Ah your little slave. Then I should also report you for psychological abuse of that girl.

-Yes, regardless she would know when you are about to do it. Anyway, on a serious note, you haven't responded to any messages.

-I blocked you.

-Not even on Instagram.

-There I decided to ignore you.

-Come on, let's have a coffee. Do you think that if I didn't care I would insist so much? You know me.

-I thought I knew you and then you betrayed me, I don't know what to expect now.

-Precisely because you don't know what to expect from me you should accept.

-Okay, but you have to promise me that if I agree to have a coffee with you afterwards you will leave me alone.

-Okay, I promise.

-As if you usually keep your promises.

-You know I'm an ambitious person.

-Annoying would be more suitable. Let's try to hurry.

-We can go to the bar around the corner.

They continued walking in silence until they reached the bar. They took their seats and ordered something to drink very quickly.

-Then? What did you want to talk to me about?

-I wanted to know what happened to you. We haven't seen each other in a couple of years.

-Let's see... After you played with my feelings, I started a relationship with the last person I thought would hurt me. And instead it seems like she didn't like me. Not that I thought I was her great love in her life but I thought she cared about me at least a little. I haven't heard from her since then. Now I am working as an intern at my grandfather's shop. And you? What do you do besides go clubbing?

-I haven't enrolled in university yet, despite my parents' insistence. My father would like me to at least work with my uncle, but at the moment I don't feel like it. You know, I'm always the black sheep of the family. My cousin Shuhua already has a degree and is the next heiress of my uncle's company, while I... I enjoy life.

-You are not a failure, at least not as a daughter. They are your life choices.

-I wasn't the best as a girlfriend.

-As if you were trying hard to be a girlfriend. What were we? Friends with benefits? Not even friends...

-Believe me, that's all I cared about and I failed.

-It's happened now. Have you ever wondered why you left me if you were serious? I don't think you were serious.

-Maybe you were too much-

-The "it's not your fault, it's my fault" thing is old.

-I was afraid of my parents' judgement. They were already against the fact that I was a lesbian, imagine their disapproval when they discovered that not only did I not want to continue the family business, but also that my girlfriend, a female, does not come from some high-ranking family of who knows what entrepreneurs.

-You still chose your family's approval of me.- Sana said, standing up. -I would have given everything for you, just as I did for Jeongyeon, and you both used and hurt me. See you, Tzuyu.

time for me to teach you an italian word that is trending right now
the word is "malessere"
the term itself exists and means "to feel unwell", you have a malessere
but the way it's being used now is related to being unwell in a relationship
it was born from straight girls to refer to the toxic boys that they like and that make them suffer but it can be used for anyone
e.g. minhyuk is nayeon's malessere
so a malessere is easily a toxic person that makes you suffer when related to love (can also be your toxic crush)

all this explanation to tell you that in the book I'm working on, Jeongyeon will be a truly malessere (justice for jeong)

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