20-Agent 00Natty

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🐰agent 00natty🐶

-And... Does Dad know it?

-No, of course not, and then... Their relationship isn't even true.- When she realized what she had said, she was the one who widened her eyes.

-I suspected it... She said that she would leave dad when she joined an agency and that's also why she doesn't want to be with you.

-The actress! That's why she needs dad!

-But does dad know that she's just using him?

-I shouldn't tell you but... There was a pact between them: he will help her in exchange for... You understand.

-Oh... I didn't expect that from dad.

-But let's talk about what you heard. What do you mean she can't be with me because she wants to be an actress?

-She says that people will think that she is only with you out of convenience, because you are Kyungsoo Yoo's daughter.

-And did she say anything else about me?

Seungyeon looked down. -Mh... Yes. That she wants to be with a certain Min...

-Minhyuk.- Jeongyeon said getting up. -I know, she loves him, she always has loved him.

-She says that you are fine with a mediocre person like Sana and she with an entrepreneur.

-Seungyeon, I'm going to Jihyo now, she's already been waiting for a while.

-Okay, have fun. I am sorry.

Jeongyeon shrugged. -I already knew how things were like, you didn't tell me anything new.

The blonde went down to where Jihyo was waiting for her and, to her surprise, she saw Nayeon conversing with her.

-Oh, here she is.- Jihyo said, getting up. -We hadn't had the chance to see each other yet.

-A real shame, right?- the older one asked sachastically. -Are you going out?

-Yes, we'll go to a club with my cousin Rosé. I don't know if you remember her: blonde, tall, attractive, she's a singer, she has a crush on Jeongyeon...

-Yes, the misplaced one, who can forget her.

-I would invite you, but I doubt you want to spend your precious time with someone like us. See you then, unfortunately for us.

-The bad luck is only mine, trust me.

Jeongyeon said goodbye to her sisters and left the house with Jihyo, while Nayeon went to lock herself in her room. Of course she hadn't forgotten Park Chaeyoung, that little girl who always hovered around Jeongyeon after school. Only Jihyo's cousin could be that.

-Yo, what is it Nayeon?

-Tell Natty I have a job for her.

-Today is her day off.

-I don't care, I need Natty now.

-What do you need her for?

Nayeon snorted, she hated saying it, she hated admitting it to anyone, especially if that someone was Tzuyu. -The blonde...

-Ah... Your blonde.

-Exactly, my blonde.- she said, underlining the possessive adjective. -And no one else's.

-Okay... I take it that she went out with someone. Don't tell me it's Sana.

-If I told you it was her, Natty would already be there, right? But no, she's Park Jihyo's cousin.

-Ah, the pretty one. She liked the Parasite, didn't she?


-Ah, I understand. You are jealous.

-No! I'm not. But I can't risk finding such a low-value person like her in my house.

-Sure, sure, I'll send Natty to work.

-But don't you need an address?

-Who? Natty?- Tzuyu laughed loudly. -She also knows what you're doing now.

-Okay... And you pay for it?

-No, now she does everything for free. She is already following them.

-But... They just came out.

-Natty already knew this. I'll let you know as soon as she gives me some information.

-Okay, see you later.


Jihyo entered the club and Jeongyeon second. The shorter one looked towards the counter and smiled.


-Oh my God! Ji! Jeongyeon, how long!?

-Hi Rosé. How is it going?

-Good for me. What about you? We haven't seen each other for years. I want to know everything. Are you taken?

Jeongyeon smiled shyly at the girl and sat down next to her. -I was until recently.

-Then better for me.- she commented laughing. -Do you want a drink?

-Oh yes. I just had an unpleasant encounter.- Jihyo said.


-Jeongyeon's stepmother.

-Oh I didn't know your father had remarried.

-No, no, he only has a partner. What are we drinking?


Nayeon had received the report of the evening from Tzuyu: Jeongyeon had talked a lot with Rosé and the two seemed to be in great harmony. She was trying to sleep but all she did was toss and turn. She heard noises coming from the lounge and she got up a little worried. She opened the door and turned on the light.

-Who is it?


-Jeongyeon? Are you drunk?

The blonde laughed. -Maybe a little bit.

-Go to sleep. I'm going to lock the door.

-No, I want to sleep on the sofa.

-Do as you like. Good night.

-Yes Goodnight. Ah... Rosé made me drink a lot.

-That one's only good for ruining people.- Nayeon said, closing the front door.

-Look who's talking... The exploiter of rich girls and men. I can't wait for you to get back to Minhyuk.

-And I want you to go to Rosé or Sana or one of those sluts.

-They're not sluts, you are.

Nayeon shook her head. -Bye.

Nayeon locked herself in her room and lay down on the cold bed. She closed her eyes and held the covers close to her. She had to stay quiet for a while. She would soon become an actress, soon it would all be over. She would soon leave that house, that man who was helping her, her innocent older daughters and that unbearable blonde who hadn't changed at all. How could you play with Lego at eighteen instead of thinking about investing money in important, basic necessities, like clothes, shoes and bags? Yoo Jeongyeon was and still is a nerd. Finally she would escape from that house and run into the arms of the only one who deserved to be with her. She would have lived a life full of betrayal, but at least she would have had someone of her caliber to show to the press. What if one of his betrayals came out in the open? Sure! This could have raised her profile. Everyone would have supported the poor betrayed girl. But was this really what Nayeon Im deserved? A life of fame, zero love, humiliation just for fame?

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