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Jeongyeon continued to stay locked in her room, while her family, including the girl she hated, were downstairs having lunch. How can you blame Jeongyeon? That girl had ruined her life and suddenly she had shown up at her house as her father's sweet partner. Yet she was identical to Kyungsoo, you could say she was the male version of him, so the problem wasn't her, she wasn't as ugly as she had made her believe, the problem was Nayeon's.

Mr. Yoo excused himself and went upstairs, finding himself in front of Jeongyeon's room, so he decided to knock and talk to her after a week. Jeongyeon snorted knowing that at her door there were definitely her sister Seungyeon or her father, the most insistent of the family. The girl got up and opened her door to find her father looking at her with his arms crossed over his chest and an eyebrow raised.

-Jeongyeon, why don't you come and eat with us? You'll see that you'll get along well with Nayeon.- the man said, relaxing the muscles of his face.

-I already met Nayeon, dad. Seriously? A girl almost the same age as me and even younger than Seungyeon and Seoyeon? Don't you think this love is a little sick?-Jeongyeon said screaming, venting all her anger, due to the disgust of seeing Nayeon in her father's arms and due to him, who was also only partially responsible.

-Jeongyeon! Don't use that tone with me! I have always supported you in everything, make an effort and support me too. Your sisters thought the same as you about Nayeon, but they understood that I'm happy with her. What do you think? That your father is a pedophile looking for girls with nice bodies? If I decided to start a relationship with Nayeon it's because I feel really good with her. Know that starting this relationship cost me a lot because I know well that we have more than thirty years of difference. Do you think I would be so reckless as to start a relationship with more cons than pros if I wasn't really in love?

Jeongyeon didn't know what to say. No one in her family knew about Nayeon and her, because Jeongyeon had never told them about it. She had had enough problems in the past, so she decided to never confess to being bullied.

Jeongyeon clenched her fists tightly and tried to stay calm.

-I hope you think about what I told you. I love you.- Mr. Yoo said, sighing successively and then turning and going back downstairs.

Jeongyeon closed the door and went back to the bed, continuing to text Jihyo about how stressful the situation she was in was.

About a quarter of an hour later, the doorbell rang in the Yoo house. Nayeon got up from the table and went to open the door, finding a girl in front of her who immediately made her smile disappear.

-Hi. Are you Jeongyeon's stepmother? I know you're fifty but you wear them pretty well. You looks like a little girl.- said the adorable girl.

Nayeon ushered her in and closed the door behind her.

-I'm actually twenty-one years old.- Nayeon confessed, trying to cover the hatred she felt for that girl with a false tone.

-Wow. Mr. Yoo, you sure know what you're talking about.- the girl shouted looking towards Kyungsoo.

Nayeon didn't care about the compliments that girl had given her. If it were up to her, she would have kicked her out of the house. Mr. Yoo's laughter echoed in the living room.

-Thank you, Sana. Jeongyeon is upstairs. See if you can convince her to come and eat with us.- Kyungsoo then said.

-Yes, I'll see what I can do.- Sana said smiling as always.

The girl turned back to Nayeon and held out her hand.

-Minatozaki Sana, Jeongyeon's girlfriend, Kyungsoo's daughter.- she said smiling at Nayeon, who she found really cute and thought she was a really nice person.

-Im Nayeon.- the brunette said, returning her hold, despite against her will, and smiling falsely.

Nayeon quickly retracted her hand and Sana turned, heading upstairs. Nayeon knew Sana very well. It was surprising to her that she hadn't recognized that girl. Sana had always been one of Jeongyeon's two suitors. At least she had ended up with that airhead and not with Myoui Mina, that she really hated.

Sana opened the door to Jeongyeon's room and fell onto her girlfriend's bed, but not before closing the door, knowing that Jeongyeon hated it when someone left the door open.

-Jeongy, you didn't tell me that your stepmother is a milf!- Sana exclaimed, hugging her girlfriend tightly.

Jeongyeon was very annoyed by that statement. Not because she was jealous that Sana was giving her attention to other girls, but because she had made an inappropriate comment about that girl.

-Sana... Didn't you recognize her?

-No.- the girl said shaking her head.

-It's Nayeon, Im Nayeon.

-I know, she told me.

Jeongyeon sighed. -Does this name remind you of anything?

-Nayeon from our school? Oh yes she was... Wait... Is she her twin sister and they also have the same name?


-No. Your father isn't really with Nayeon, our Nayeon, that Nayeon.


-Wow ... And how did she behave with you?

-As a b*tch, how should she have behaved?

-Mh... And does your father know about you?

-No and I don't know what to do... He said that he is happy and he loves her and he seemed sincere. It's not like when he brought his ex who stole everything, it seems sincere, and I don't want to destroy his image of her.

-But she hurt you, a lot. And then wasn't she with Minhyuk? I met him the day before yesterday and he said they are still together.

Jeongyeon raised an eyebrow. -Seriously? Because she told me that she left him. What if she was still secretly dating him?

-And you think Minhyuk would let her do it? You know he's possessive and jealous.

-Maybe she's leading a double life.

-Or Minhyuk made everything up as always.

-We have to investigate. Sana, you have to help me. I won't let another woman hurt my father. Especially if it's her.

-And how should I help you?

-Let's go down.

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