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-Bye Tzu, come back whenever you want.

-Oh sure. The Parasite has still to give me something. I'm not done threatening you, remember that.

-I'll keep that in mind.- Jeongyeon said.

-I see that you suddenly get along with my friend.

-It was easier than getting along with my stepmother.


-Stepmother. That's what you are, isn't it? Thinking about it... I really feel like Cinderella: the stepmother and two sisters who do nothing but support you.

-And who would you be? The scullery maid who suddenly becomes a princess? No prince will arrive with a glass slipper.

-I don't need it when I have Sana.

-Sure, while it lasts.

-My relationship definitely will last longer than how much Minhyuk lasted when he slept with you.

-Jeongyeon, if there's one thing we agree on, it's that neither of us intends to get along with the other, right?


-And I don't want to ask you to do it, but at least in front of your family let's try.

-This can be done.

-Well. Now would you help me cook? I don't want to always do it alone.

-We won't last a minute in the kitchen.

-So you're the only one who cooks?

-You need to rest after tonight, don't you?

Nayeon sighed. -Let's not speak to each other and everything will be fine. I'm going to take a shower, then I'll come give you a hand.

-All right.

Jeongyeon went to the kitchen and started preparing something for lunch while Nayeon was in the shower. She smiled remembering Minhyuk's face the night before. She had hated that boy for years and the feeling of having undermined a doubt in his mind was magnificent.

-Jeongyeon, where do you have the hairdryer?

The girl turned and her gaze remained transfixed in front of the girl with only the bathrobe covering her, with her legs exposed, the cleavage evident, the weak lace around her waist.

-I think...

-Ah, I forgot you're a lesbian. I'm attractive, aren't I? At least you can say you have a sexy stepmom. I'll be honest: I like being looked at but I hate it when you do it.

Jeongyeon shrugged. -One more reason to do it.

-So? Where's the hairdryer? Or do you want me to undress to get the answer?

-It's in the top cabinet.

-Right, because in this family you are all tall.


-Mh? What do you want now?

-Minhyuk is an idiot and my father is very lucky.

-I know. But this comment from you simply disgusts me.

-I imagined so.

-You, on the other hand, are lucky to have Sana. I don't know how she went from Tzuyu to you.

-And I don't know how you ended up with Minhyuk.

-And who should I have been with? With you?

-I would never have betrayed you.

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