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-And Sana isn't okay and Rosé isn't okay... Can you explain to me why you complain about being single if no one suits you?- asked Jihyo.

-Let's not talk about Sana, I didn't expect that she could get back with Tzuyu.

-Meanwhile, I heard that she's treating her really well. And they've been back together for two months now, you should forget about it.

-I apologized to her but she continues to ignore me. I know I hurt her but... Tzuyu did too and she forgave her.

-Those two were destined to be together, a bit like Nayeon and Minhyuk seemed at the time.

Jeongyeon looked out the window. She hadn't heard from the brunette for five months now. In reality she knew something about her but they hadn't seen each other since the eldest's birthday.

-Are we sure we want to go to Tzuyu? It seems quite suspicious to me that she invited us.

-That's exactly why we're going there. And this way you can clarify with Sana.

-Yes but... She will be there too.

-So? She probably got back with Minhyuk. That woman has zero dignity.

Jihyo continued driving, patiently answering Jeongyeon's questions, then arrived in front of the building and parked. They were greeted by a woman and then taken to a hall and there Jeongyeon saw her.

-Tzuyu, you called me.

-No, it was an automatic message.- she replied sarcastically. -Listen, I'm here with Nayeon, she's in the other room.


-But there's a problem. Your father made a jealous scene yesterday.

-In what sense?- Jeongyeon asked, feeling ashamed for her parent.

-In the sense that he came, he got in thanks to Seungyeon, who had no idea what was going to happen, I hope, and he stopped the recordings. Nayeon is furious.

-Yes, she's not wrong about that.- Jihyo intervened.

-Did anyone ask you?

-She is my best friend, she can say whatever she wants. Couldn't you have told me over the phone?

-I could, but Sana says it's better to talk about it in person to be more convincing and she's not entirely wrong.

-Is Sana here?

-No. On the other hand, there is your father.

-My father!? Hadn't he come yesterday?

-Today too, he wanted to hit the actor but he was stopped by Seungyeon. I'm telling you, he's making a fool of himself and the news will soon be on everyone's lips.

-Take me there, I'll take him away.

-What a situation...- Jihyo commented following Tzuyu together with her friend.

They left the building and headed towards the one next door, where the studios were located. Jeongyeon walked briskly and stopped when he saw his father yelling at a staff member.


-Jeongyeon? What are you doing here?

-Dad, come on, you're embarrassing Nayeon, Seungyeon and yourself. What's wrong?

-This man has definitely been drinking.- said the director. -And I could report him.

-We'll leave right away.- Jeongyeon said.

-Come give me a hand because I can't take him away.- Seungyeon told her rather embarrassed.

-No! I'm not leaving until I talk to Nayeon.

-Nayeon said she doesn't want to talk to you, she's afraid of you.- a staff member intervened.

-Nayeon, I ask you please, go talk to this one so he goes away and we avoid getting Seungyeon in trouble. Seungyeon, go with them.

-We're coming too.- Jihyo said.

Nayeon looked at her best friend, then Jihyo and Jeongyeon and finally Seungyeon with Kyungsoo pleading with her eyes.

-I'm mortified.- she said, bowing.

-May it never happen again. Personal situations must be resolved privately.- said the director.

-I don't care who you slept with to enter this world. Remember that you're only here because Seungyeon asked us to. I know a thousand actresses who would be better than you for this little role.- said the director's assistant, who was also his partner and she used to take control together with her boyfriend.

-I'll give you a ten minute break.- the director said to everyone.

The actor snorted and went towards her manager, while Tzuyu took Nayeon by the arm and took her with her towards a room, followed by the others. They arrived at Nayeon's dressing room, where they stood some distance away from Kyungsoo and Seungyeon. Jihyo and Jeongyeon, however, remained still in front of the door.

-What do you want, Kyungsoo?

-Nayeon, it can't have been all just because of that deal, there were actions of you that made me realize that you cared about me.

-Kyungsoo, listen to me, you asked me from the beginning for an exchange of favors without obligation. I'm grateful to both you and Seungyeon for this job, but I've never loved you. You could be my father, you understand that, right? And my parents would never agree. I think you should find someone your age.

-But those my age are all ugly, not very energetic...

-Dad, please.- Seungyeon interrupted him. -My sisters and I have already suffered enough. I think it's time for you to go to therapy

-Leave me alone!- the man shouted, pushing the girl away.

Seungyeon looked at her younger sister. -Jeongyeon was right: there has always been something wrong with you.

Jeongyeon his favorite daughter? The one who most resembled his wife? Kyungsoo looked at his little girl who was looking at him with disdain.

-Do you really think this about me, Jeong?

The girl looked down. -Dad... You always put your partners first and they... They were closer and closer to my age. A sincere love may have a difference of years but you had a new partner every month. You don't love Nayeon, I think you think she reminds you of our mother, or maybe you love the idea of ​​having someone around.

-Darling, that's not true at all, I've never put anyone before you.

-If it's really like this, come away with me, leave alone Nayeon who has also been in a relationship for years. Come home and try to get yourself back.

-Are you in a relationship?- Kyungsoo asked his ex.

-Since high school.

-And were you also when you were with me?


-Jeong, I'm sorry for what you think of me.

-I think therapy would do you some good.

Mr. Yoo didn't want to let Nayeon go but losing the only memories he had of his wife would drive him crazy. It was for this reason that at least that day he decided to listen to his daughters and leave the dressing room with Seungyeon.

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