O5-Hungry For Revenge

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🐰hungry for revenge🐶

The Japanese girl took Jeongyeon's hand and stood up, inviting the blonde to do the same. Jeongyeon stood up and the two walked down to the lounge hand in hand. Of course, the detail wasn't lost on Nayeon. Jeongyeon and Sana sat down opposite Nayeon and Mr. Yoo respectively.

-Jeongyeon, do you want to try this pasta? I made it.- Nayeon asked, handing her a salad bowl containing what she had prepared.

-No, thanks.- Jeongyeon said, pushing the salad bowl away.

-But I do.- Sana said taking the salad bowl from the hands of the other, who was quite annoyed by the situation.

Sana put the pasta on the plate, then placed the salad bowl in front of her and watched her girlfriend look down. Seeing her Jeongyeon like this hurt Sana's heart. The Japanese girl took some pasta with her fork and put it in front of Jeongyeon's mouth.

-Come on. For me?- Sana asked in an adorable voice, which no one could resist.

Jeongyeon relented and opened her mouth, tasting the dish her enemy had cooked, admitting that it was surprisingly good, considering the sourest person she knew had cooked it. Nayeon watched the adorable scene of the two girlfriends feeding each other and couldn't help but feel a great feeling of hatred towards the poor Japanese girl. Nayeon wrapped both arms around Kyungsoo's arm and rested her head on the man's shoulder, who smiled at his partner's adorable action. The scene did not go unnoticed by Jeongyeon and she glared at the couple. Nayeon set her eyes on Jeongyeon, who was no longer eating what Sana was trying to give her in vain, and a grin appeared on her face. Jeongyeon understood what game Nayeon was playing, so she opened her mouth again and Sana was finally able to give her the pasta.

-This pasta isn't the best but I like it because you're giving it to me, love.- Jeongyeon said turning to Sana.

Sana smiled at that statement, and also because she had managed to make her girlfriend eat.

-If you don't like it, you can also not eat it. I doubt Sana has the powers to make it appetizing.- Nayeon said lifting her head from Kyungsoo's shoulder and removing her arms around the man's arm, looking at the other frowning, due to her angry expression.

Sana, the two sisters and Mr. Yoo had decided to stay out of it and intervene only if things developed negatively.

-You could avoid showing affection to my father in front of me, knowing that I don't accept your pathetic relationship.

-Jeongyeon!- her father called her.

Jeongyeon didn't care about her father and at that moment Nayeon didn't want to play the poor victim who needed to be protected, she wanted to attack.

-Don't you dare. The relationship between me and your father is real.- Nayeon said, now tired of Jeongyeon's immature behavior, even though they were both behaving like two immature people.

-Right. I forgot that you like mature men.- Jeongyeon said rolling her eyes.

Jeongyeon was referring to when, in high school, Nayeon hit on their art history teacher, then forty-six years old. Seungyeon and Soyeon looked at each other as they were really confused by that statement, the same goes for Mr. Yoo.

-Jeong, do you know each other?- Seungyeon asked on behalf of everyone.

Jeongyeon turned her gaze to Seungyeon and then to her father. She shook her head.

-Mine are just guesses. Nayeon doesn't seem like such an innocent girl as she wants to appear.- Jeongyeon justified herself by looking at her father, who had given her a look that literally said "stop it here. Avoid making a bad impression."

-Stop making assumptions and act like the twenty year old girl you are. I don't have time to argue with a little girl who can't get rid of some past episode.- Nayeon said sternly, looking at Jeongyeon no longer with vindictive eyes, but with a truly angry look.

-For me lunch ends here.- Jeongyeon said, getting up from the table.

Sana apologized and followed her girlfriend to her room.

-Of course... She could have avoided it. Am I wrong or do I almost get the impression that Nayeon doesn't like me?

-Has she ever liked you? You're my friend, now even my girlfriend, she hates you for it.

-But... I don't understand why she attacks you so much if you're the victim here.

-It's Nayeon, what do you expect? She said she wanted to end it, yet it seems to me that she enjoys provoking me.

-She's been doing this since elementary school.

-And I couldn't even mention Minhyuk. I have to find out what she's hiding. Come on... She loved Minhyuk, she went crazy when she saw him go partying or look at the cheerleaders' butt.

-Maybe that's why she left him: she realized how immature he was and she decided to find someone else.

-Possible? She didn't notice for six years and suddenly she leaves him?

-You know how I feel: Minhyuk didn't love her.


The door was opened abruptly and Mr. Yoo stormed in. -What's gotten into you?

-Dad, I don't like Nayeon.

-Well, I'm the one who has to like her. If she did something bad to you I could reason with you, but she was nice and I can't kick her out just because you don't like her.

Jeongyeon snorted. -I never told you to kick her out, but be careful, she recently broke up and her ex who is my age. I wonder if they really broke up.

-And how do you know this?

-Sana told me. She knows her boyfriend.

-I'm convinced that Nayeon isn't being a double agent, if that's what you're implying. Now try to behave civilly with her.

-I don't want to have relations with her.

-Good, but try not to ruin mine.

-As if I'm the one who ruins things here... Why do you like her?

-She is a great girl and if you gave her a chance, you would understand it.

-Only for this? Not because she's a young, sexy girl with the right proportions?

Mr. Yoo raised an eyebrow. -What are you implying? That I only like her physically? Jeongyeon, I don't use girls.

-But they use you. Or have you forgotten about the last time?

-Jeongyeon, leave Nayeon alone. She has nothing to do with the one from last time. They're not all like that. Not everyone wants to hurt us.

double chapter today because I have nothing to do

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