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-Jeongyeon, darling, lunch was delicious and getting to know you too. We were thinking that you might come over for Yuna's birthday. You know, we'll have an intimate party. Two hundred, three hundred people.


-I don't take no for an answer. I want Jeongyeon to come with you too. I have to introduce you to the uncles, grandparents, my colleagues...

-Okay, we'll come.

Jeongyeon smirked. -Of course.

After talking for another quarter of an hour, Mr. and Mrs. Im left the house satisfied.

-This thing about your sister's party will cost you more.

-Tsk.- Nayeon crossed her arms over her chest. -Instead I won't give you anything.

-Oh no, Im?- Jeongyeon asked with a smirk. -Because your mother left me her number and all I need is a click.

-You will not.

-Oh no? Yet you didn't think twice about ruining my life.

-Jeongyeon, leave me alone.

-More than anything, what is this story about the maid?

-Your father doesn't want to hear about it, he says it's useless.

-And you're okay with that? Are you, Im Nayeon, willing to do the housework?

-No, I don't agree, okay!? But what can I do? He's the rich one, my parents are the rich ones, I don't have any money.

-Mh... It's bad not having decision-making power, huh?

-Jeongyeon, I will make an excuse and you won't come to my sister's birthday. I'll say you're sick.

-Nevertheless, you still owe me a reward.

-I don't feel like it. I don't like you, I don't like girls.

Jeongyeon sighed. -Anyway I was joking, I don't really want to do it with you, not now that you're my father's partner. But I have to earn something, right?

-Isn't it enough for you to pretend to be my girlfriend? Or my presence?

-You see there are girls who would kill to be with me.

-Or that they kill themselves if they're with you.

-Always adorable. That's why Minhyuk cheated on you.

-So, what do you want?

-I want you to sleep with me tonight. Only sleep.

-Oh yes? And what will we say to your father? That you're afraid of the dark and you want your mommy?

Jeongyeon shrugged. -Then we'll see what to say to my father.

-Listen, when we go to my parents' house we will also stay to sleep, it's a family tradition. You'll have to wait for Yuna's birthday to do something like this.

-And so you found a solution to take me to your sister's birthday too, but I'm not stupid, now the fee goes up.

-What do you want now?

-Then I'll see, Nayeon, then I'll see.

-Then I'll see what? Tell me now!

-You hate not being in charge, right?- Jeongyeon asked with a grin and then went up the stairs. -Maybe some caresses, who knows...

-Idiot! Parasite! B*tch!


-Mh... Your sister.

-Yes, my sister. And...Jeongyeon knows her, so she'll come with me.

-Oh Jeongyeon really knows your sister? And I... Obviously I'm not invited.

-Oh Kyungsoo... It's not about you. It's just... It's my sister's party, there will only be stupid kids. I have to go because she's my sister, otherwise I wouldn't go.

-Mh. And Jeongyeon will come with you.- The man smiled. -Finally a chance to learn to love you.

-Of course. And... My mother invited us to sleep there. We will return the next morning.

-All right. When did you say it is?

-Next week.

-Now... Why don't we think about ourselves a bit?

Nayeon smirked.


-So you will sleep with Nayeon? Im Nayeon? And did she agree?

-Either this or I tell her parents that she's with a fifty-year-old.

-After everything she did to you, I can't tell you that you're doing a bad thing. And shouldn't you buy a gift for the little girl?

-Nayeon said that she will think of everything and that with the terrible taste I have Yuna would end up vomiting on my gift.

-A lovely girl... And are you sure of what you asked her in return?

-I just feel like teasing her a little, that's all, revenge. I won't lay a finger on her because she is my father's partner and I respect him.

-And Sana?

Jeongyeon sighed. -Sana hasn't answered me since we broke up. I deserve it.

-Sana didn't deserve it and you know it very well. She has always been close to you. I understand that you liked someone else, even if I don't understand how you like that one, but then why deceive Sana?

-You know... I tried to love her, I tried to forget you know who but...

-What are these noises?

-Jihyo... Down here is my father's room.

-Oh... And is Nayeon in the room with him?

-Do you understand what I have to suffer every weekend?

-And does it happen even if they know there are guests? No shame at all... Nothing against your father, but he might be controlling himself. We already knew that Nayeon had no shame. Does Kyungsoo already know about the almost suspension, about when she did it with Minhyuk in the janitor's closet, about when she hit on the teacher?

-No and he shouldn't know anything. Dad is happy with Nayeon, and for some strange reason, she is kind to my dad.

-It would seem that she really loves him.

-You know how Nayeon is: she is a despicable person but she really loves. Minhyuk, she really loved him.

-This proves that being beautiful is useless. Minhyuk cheated on her every night anyway.

-Every week.

-Ah, this changes everything. So the party is next Saturday? And will it be something with a few close friends or...

-About two hundred people.

-Ah. A couple of guests. And is Nayeon going to lie for life or will she sooner or later confess to being with Kyungsoo?

-I have no idea. I think that if the relationship is serious sooner or later she will tell them.

-And then you will have lost her forever.- Jihyo said, lying down.

Jeongyeon smiled bitterly. -You can't lose what you never had.

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