17-Let her go

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🐰let her go🐶

When they went to sleep Nayeon placed herself as far away from Jeongyeon as possible and the other didn't protest, she was fine with that. By now she no longer cared about her reward, she now just wanted the fake relationship between Nayeon and her father to end soon, for her to disappear from her life, so that she could forget her again.

-Im Nayeon, move! There's only one bathroom and it's already a quarter to eleven!- Jeongyeon shouted, knocking on the door.

-Can't you use the public one?- Nayeon asked annoyed.

-I have to take a shower, come out.

Nayeon put the brush down and opened the door, letting Jeongyeon inside.

-We have to go home, you don't have to go out to dinner with my father or Minhyuk.- Jeongyeon told her, looking at the makeup Nayeon was doing.

The brunette just rolled her eyes, then turned back to the mirror and continued her work.

-I think you understand that I have to wash.- Jeongyeon said trying not to chase her enemy out of the bathroom.

-So? Can't I wear makeup?

Jeongyeon let out a sigh and decided not to take a shower – luckily she had taken one the night before. The blonde sat on a stool and waited for Nayeon to finish. Nayeon then turned to her and grabbed a top off the shelf.

-This or what am I wearing?- asked the brunette.

-This. Blue is better than brown, you know.

Nayeon nodded and took off her top, revealing her body covered in a black lace bra. Jeongyeon swallowed but tried not to make the situation awkward.

-F*ck, Im Nayeon. My father will pass away after this sight.- Jeongyeon commented.

Nayeon felt her eyes sting and her breathing hitch as she thought about the recipient of her bra and quickly tried to put on the blue top Jeongyeon recommended.

-Nayeon... I need to know something: do you and Minhyuk see each other secretly?- Jeongyeon asked, getting up.

-No. And... About of that... I talked to him. Now he knows why I'm doing it.

-Of course, he may know and I don't. At least he won't take it out on me or my father anymore. When did you talk to him?

-Tonight. I was in his room and-

-Ah... Did you sleep at his place?

-No, even if he asked me. But I don't want any scandals for now.

-You know... I wonder why you had to resort to my father, when you could have asked me, you know I would do anything for you.

-Because I need your father, not his daughter. And then... I would never get involved with someone like you.

-Not in the open, but secretly-

-Let's forget it again.

-I may not talk about it, but I will never forget the best time of my life. It was the first time my problems didn't exist and I looked forward to the day I could go to school to see you again, even at the cost of being insulted.

-Of course you're weird.- Nayeon commented coming out of the bathroom. -Come on, I don't want my parents to think we're doing who knows what.


The brunette rolled her eyes. -What's up now?

-When we leave this room, what we said to each other will remain in this room but, while we are in here, I want to tell you that you were the best thing that ever happened to me.

-You say another thing like that and I swear I'll take Minhyuk and we'll make love in front of you.

-Yet in a period of your life I was the one who made you smile like you hadn't done in a long time.

-Stop it, you're ridiculous.

-I'm sorry, us nerds are like that.- she said, shrugging.

-How much would it bother you if I went to Minhyuk right now and made love to him?

-Why should it bother me? You did it for years and I just stood there watching you, I'm used to it now.

-So it wouldn't bother you even a little?

-You were already in Minhyuk's arms when we met, I saw you in the teachers's arms, in my father's...

-No one is indifferent to Im Nayeon.

-Are you sure?

The brunette took her bag and stormed out of the room. Jeongyeon grabbed her backpack and did the same. She went downstairs where she met Mr and Mrs Im, but there was no sign of Nayeon.

-Jeongyeon! How did you sleep? Are you leaving already?

-Mrs Im-

-Call me Irene. Nayeon went to say bye to Minhyuk for a moment.

-Ah I understood.

-You know, they have been together for many years but they are also best friends. Poor guy, he can't stop thinking about her, but she has you now and I'm convinced you have no reason to be jealous.

-They're in the garden.- Yuna whispered as she passed her.

-Well then... I'll go put my backpack in the car. It was a pleasure, Mrs. Irene.

-Only Irene! Come back soon.


-And next time let us meet your father.

If there will be a next time... The blonde left the villa, accompanied by Claudette, the maid, and walked through the vast garden. She was supposed to open the gate and put her backpack in the car, but she had the bad idea to look to the right. Nayeon was involved with Minhyuk in what seemed like a reconciliation kiss. Their lips caressed passionately, needy, wanting each other's attention, Minhyuk had sworn to her that he would change, that he would do it for her, and Nayeon loved him after all. The brunette opened her eyes during that kiss and saw Jeongyeon. Their eyes met and Jeongyeon wasn't intimidated, she simply stood there, staring at them. Nayeon separated from Minhyuk and smiled at him. The two greeted each other with a fleeting kiss on the lips and Minhyuk started jumping, while Nayeon walked towards Jeongyeon. It could have been her... But she wasn't as attractive as Minhyuk, she wasn't as famous as her father, she wasn't as intellectual as the teacher. She had mediocre qualities and had broken the heart of the only one who appreciated her. Because of Im' Nayeon's return she had let Sana go. And that's what she was doing with Nayeon: she was letting her go, because there was no chance she would've been hers.

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