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All Yoo sisters and Nayeon were sitting at the table and were eating quite peacefully.

-How did it go with that guy, Soyeon?- Jeongyeon asked looking at the plate of meat she was savoring.

-Let's start from the fact that I don't care at all about "that guy".- Soyeon said, annoyed by her sisters' teasing.
-Anyway, we've been dating for a month.- she continued, making exchange a quick glance to the other two, who then turned their attention to the middle sister.

-When were you planning on telling us?- Seungyeon asked, slapping Soyeon on the back of the head.

-Hey! You hurt me.- Soyeon complained, making her older sister roll her eyes.

-Is everything okay with you at university, Seungyeon unnie?- Jeongyeon asked.

-Always the same.

-What about you with Sana?- Soyeon asked.

Nayeon couldn't stand Sana, much less she wanted to talk about her or hear about her. She waited for Jeongyeon's response, pretending to be focused on her plate.

-Everything okay. Today we had s*x after months.- Jeongyeon confessed.

-Were you in a good mood?- Seungyeon asked with a mischievous smile.

-Mh... Let's say so.- lied Jeongyeon, who was in anything but a good mood.

-Nayeon, how did it go at home for you?- Soyeon asked, turning her attention to the girl, who felt like a complete stranger to that family dinner.

-Everything okay. I just saw some fi-

Nayeon was interrupted by Seungyeon's sudden exclamation.

-You were at home when Jeongyeon and Sana did it!

The situation couldn't have been more embarrassing.

-Nayeon, did you hear them?- Soyeon asked with wide eyes.

-I heard Sana scream.- Nayeon confessed, throwing a quick glare at Jeongyeon, who didn't react in any way.

Dinner changed completely and the girls quickly finished their meals and then went to lock themselves in their own rooms. Nayeon washed the dishes and then waited for Kyungsoo in the kitchen. As Seungyeon had said, Kyungsoo was back at about a quarter past eleven. When she heard the door open, Nayeon rushed out of the kitchen and ran to kiss her partner, who, taken aback, opened his eyes wide.

ATTENTION: presence (minimum) of 18+ content.

-Kyung, don't you want to do something?- Nayeon asked him playing with the collar of his sweater.

-Nayeon, now? There are the girls.

-The girls are over the legal age and then I want you now.

Kyungsoo relented and Nayeon took him to their room, closing the door. The brunette began kissing the man full of lust and the other immediately reciprocated, immediately putting his tongue in Nayeon's mouth, who widened her eyes at the sudden gesture from who was usually a gentleman.

-I won't be nice to you, darling.- Kyungsoo told her with a grin.

The man picked up Nayeon like a bride and threw her onto the bed as if she were nothing more than an object. The man unfastened his belt and dropped his trousers and then his underwear. He went towards her partner and placed himself on top of her, starting to massage her breasts, causing Nayeon to moan.

Upstairs, Jeongyeon heard strange noises coming from her father's room. She went downstairs to check what was happening and heard Nayeon's moans more clearly. She took a deep breath and went up to her room again. She didn't want to witness that, not even as an earwitness.


The doorbell at Yoo's house rang and Jeongyeon stood in front of the door. She snorted. Could it be that idiot Minhyuk? She opened the door.

-Hello, is your girlfriend here?- A figure asked entering the house as if she had been invited inside.

-Chou Tzuyu?

-I see you remember my name well. On the other hand I am unforgettable. So... What's this story that you're with the Japanese girl... What's her name?

-Sana.- she said, closing the door, continuing to look at Tzuyu.

-One night with me and in exchange you leave her.

Jeongyeon frowned. -No.

-Okay, a week.


Tzuyu sighed. -Difficult customer. A whole month.

-No, Sana is not an object.

-Oh no?- Tzuyu threw herself backwards onto the sofa. -So what do you want? That Nayeon leaves your father? Consider it done.

Jeongyeon shook her head. -I thought you didn't like Sana.

-I thought the same about you.

Jeongyeon looked down. -You cheated on her.

-I cheated on her, but I loved Sana. You, on the other hand, don't love her but you don't cheat on her. Who is worse between the two?

-And who tells you I don't love her?

-You never liked her, yet Sana has been flirting with you for years. I know this well because... Well because for some strange reason my servant... What was her name? Natty? Well she came to tell me everything your pathetic girl did.

-Couldn't I have changed my mind?

-Yes, you could, but you don't like Sana. You're just using her to vent about someone. Before you ask, Natty knows everything about everyone. Now let's stop being sentimental about her. How much do you want?

-You can't pay me to leave her.

-Oh no? And how is it usually done?

-You are happy because your ex is happy.

-But here things are like this: she is convinced she is happy. You're not making her happy.

-And would you make her happy? Let's hear it, Chou Tzuyu.

-Don't play with fire, Yoo.- She looked around. -Where is your mother?- she ​​asked with a grin.

-She must be tired from too much activity tonight.

-Is he still fit? Did they do cardio together?

-Or she took him for a walk in the wheelbarrow.

-Or maybe they played Bingo at the hospice. Natty said you weren't bad, but Nay was the boss and she didn't like it.

-What do you think of Minhyuk?

-Oh, don't even mention him to me.

-Yesterday he came to serenade Nayeon.

-Nay! Bring your huge ass over here! What's this about Lil Eggplant coming here?

-So the story about its size is true.

-Very true.

Nayeon left her room almost in panic. -Tzu! What are you shouting in my partner's house! Well, she's here too.

-What's this about the serenade?

-He came to sing, I closed the window in his face.

-Of course he'll be as nice as you want but he's a moron.

-Of course and do you know how to deal with girls?

-Until proven otherwise, I'm in relationship and he's been dumped.

-The Parasite is right.- Jeongyeon looked at her perplexed. -It's the name we gave you at school.

-That we still give you.- Nayeon specified.

-Jihyo was the Busty.

Nayeon shook her head.

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