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🐰a coffee?🐶

-Good morning.- Nayeon said when Seungyeon came down the stairs.

-Oh hello. I wanted to talk to you exactly.

-Tell me.

-At my agency they are doing auditions for a film. Why don't you join?

-Me? Why are you saying that to me?

-So the sooner you get what you want, the sooner you leave. Trust me, Dad will take too long to help you. Take this audition, you're pretty and perfect for the character.

-What character is this?

-An arrogant social climber. I'll write you a message with the audition details. I'm running, they're waiting for me for filming.

Seungyeon's words had little touched the girl. She had the chance to star in a real movie and leave that house as soon as possible. Only a fool would have refused. Nayeon read the message Seungyeon sent her and wrote down the audition date. Maybe she too, thanks to Kyungsoo and her daughter, would have managed to get the part of it. The doorbell rang, interrupting Nayeon's flow of thoughts, and she went to open the door, finding someone she didn't expect to see in front of her.

-Hi... Do we already know each other?- asked the pink-haired girl.

-Unfortunately for me...

-You must be Jeongyeon's stepmother. Jihyo told me that you are arrogant. Is Jeong home?

-I don't know. Do you want something?

-Just give her cell phone back. She forgot it in my car yesterday.

-I'll give it to her.- Nayeon said trying to snatch the phone from her hand but Rosé was stronger than her and she held onto it tightly.

-I'll give it to her in person, thanks anyway for the offer.

She entered as if she had been invited and ran up the stairs. Nayeon looked  her and wrote a message to Tzuyu, who replied that she was busy at the time and that Rosé was on her way, news that the brunette had the opportunity to learn on her own.


Meanwhile, upstairs Rosé had managed to find Jeongyeon, who was listening to her music on her bed.

-Thanks for bringing it back to me.- said the blonde.

-Forget about it. Who's the girl downstairs? She seems familiar to me.

-She went to school with me, maybe you saw her there.

-Ah... Possible. Do you have plans for today?

-Mh... No, not really.

-So do you want to go get some ice cream? Or a coffee... Whatever you want.

Jeongyeon smiled. -Why not?

The blonde took a jacket and left the room with Rosé.

-It was nice meeting you Jeongyeon's stepmother. I'll take her away from you.

Nayeon watched the pink haired girl smile as she walked out with a blonde on her arm.


Tzuyu was texting Natty to find out more about Rosé's appearance in front of the Yoo house, when she bumped into someone.

-Get away!

-Usually you say "sorry".

The Latina looked up and met the owner of that voice.


-You haven't really changed. Be careful next time.- said the Japanese girl as she walked away.

-Wait! A coffee?

The Japanese woman turned around. -And why should I accept it from you?

-I'm not that different from your ex. Do you know that she only used you to forget about my best friend?

-Yeah... You haven't really changed. Thank you for reminding me. You are a concentration of sensitivity.

The Latina snorted. -It's to show you that not all that glitters is gold and perhaps not all gold glitters.

-But I already know that you're not gold.

-Do you really think I would have said that thing to hurt you?

-You already hurt me, Tzuyu, years ago. And now another person has hurt me. Maybe I was stupid for giving my heart away so easily and trusting people. With Jeongyeon it was unexpected but with you... I'm so naive. What did I expect? That I could really be liked by an opportunist like you?

The girl turned again and Tzuyu received a message. She answered quickly, put the phone back in her pocket and reached Sana again.

-I really liked you.- she said alongside her.

-I know you liked me, you like them all.

-But I liked you the most of all. More than I like seeing strippers on a Saturday night. And Monday, and Tuesday, and Wednesday...

-Of course, and should I believe you? What happens here? Have you suddenly decided to take on your responsibilities? Or did your best friend send you to conspire against me again? I don't know what Nayeon has against me, but I know she could have been nicer to me. I know I'm out of your league, but leave the people who have nothing to do with your twisted plans alone.

-What plan and plan? Who cares about Nayeon. Think that she just texted me asking for help and I told her no because I'm with you.

-Ah well! So you're also a terrible friend.

Tzuyu rolled her eyes. -See you at the next meeting. You already have my number.

-I've canceled it.

-You can find me on instagram as thinkaboutzu. Because that's what I do all day, I think about you.- She winked at her.

Sana rolled her eyes and when Tzuyu finally stopped following she let out a sigh of relief. The presence of the Latina made her nervous.

Tzuyu took her phone and called her friend.

-Nay, you'll never guess what happened!

-I am not interested! Seungyeon got me an audition.

-Good for you but who asked? Anyway, I met Sana.


-We talked, she is practically at my feet. I invited her to drink coffee but she couldn't, she was in a hurry. But you could see that she wanted to stay.

-This is a great opportunity for me! The audition is next Friday. Soon this whole nightmare will be just a distant memory.

-And you can start your life again. Full of cheating.

-Minhyuk has changed.

-Of course, that's what I told Sana too.

-Minhyuk and I will be happy.

-The important thing is that you move away from that house, from that man and, above all, from the blonde.

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