24-Psychology lessons

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🐰psychology lessons🐶

It had been two days now that the Yoo house had been without Nayeon's presence and the dynamics always seemed to be the same on the surface. Too bad Mr. Yoo went out much more often to distract himself and avoid thinking about the person he had started to feel something for.

-Is there anyone home?- Rosé asked, breaking away from Jeongyeon for a moment to ask the question.

-No, we're alone.- the blonde replied and then resumed the demanding kiss they were exchanging.

But let's take a step back. That morning Rosé showed up at Jeongyeon's house because she was very worried. The blonde got up from bed reluctantly when she heard the doorbell ring. When she opened it she found the pink haired girl standing in front of her.

-The doorman let me in. Why don't you answer my calls and texts?

-It's not for you. Come in.-

They went to sit on the sofa to talk comfortably.

-Jihyo told me about Nayeon. Is it for her?

-No. It's just that my father was really in love and I'm afraid that he might fall back into his past tendencies. I didn't like the relationship he had with Nayeon but at least he wasn't doing drugs or bringing home a different girl every day.

Rosé approached her and moved a strand of hair behind her ear. -Whatever you are worried about, I have the right solution.

-Oh yes? Can you resurrect my mother?

The Australian looked down. -I can... Make you forget everything for a few minutes.

-And how? Alcohol?

Rosé smiled and took Jeongyeon's face in her hands, thrusting herself onto her lips, kissing her desperately, finally doing something she had dreamed of for years. The blonde immediately reciprocated, as if she had dreamed it too. The Australian took the opportunity to sit on her and deepen her kiss by also inserting her tongue. It was even better than she had imagined and she was also doing a good deed, helping the girl she liked to distract herself from the pain her life had dealt her.

-Let's go to my room.- Jeongyeon whispered.

They immediately got up, continuing to kiss on the stairs, reaching the room where every forbidden dream would come true. First Nayeon, then Sana, here's yet another Pascalian divertissment for Jeongyeon.


-Nayeon, you really don't want to tell us why you broke up with Jeongyeon? She seemed like such a good girl.

-Mom, it's a girl.

-Come on, we've already overcome this story with Yuna. You yourself have defended her for years. Then? What happened?

-I don't feel like talking about it. I'll go now.

Irene just didn't understand. She had a suspicion, to tell the truth. She peeked out the window and shook her head when she saw the man she was sure had something to do with Nayeon and Jeongyeon's breakup. But Irene would not remain still.


-So, do you still think about her?- Rosé asked, caressing Jeongyeon's bare back.

The blonde looked at the wall in front of her, as if searching for answers. -No.

-I know you're lying, so if you need more sex therapy, call me. Or maybe... You want to talk about it, so I can help you forget her. What did you like about her? Wasn't she the one who treated you badly? Or maybe that's what attracted you? Or the idea of ​​the forbidden?

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