O6-Ex girlfriends

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🐰ex girlfriends🐶

The next day, Jeongyeon came down to the kitchen around noon. It was Monday and their father would be working all day, being the chef and owner of one of the best restaurants in Seoul, while Soyeon and Seungyeon would be busy with university. Jeongyeon opened the refrigerator and grabbed a beer, then opened it and sat at the kitchen table resting her forehead on her hand, whose arm was resting with the elbow on the table. Nayeon, hearing noises coming from the kitchen, went downstairs and found herself faced with the vision of a Jeongyeon with messy hair sipping a beer from the bottle.

-Are you already drinking at this time?- Nayeon asked more to criticize her than angry.

Jeongyeon turned to the girl and looked at her.

The blonde turned her head again and took another sip of her beer. Nayeon sighed and sat down next to her.

-Give me one.- Nayeon said tapping her nails on the table.

Jeongyeon nodded towards the fridge, so Nayeon stood up and grabbed a beer. She sat back down, opened it with the bottle opener that was on the table in front of Jeongyeon, and took a sip from the bottle.

-Jeongyeon, we must learn to live together peacefully.- Nayeon said looking into her eyes.

-Do you really love my father?-Jeongyeon asked, feeling a pang in her heart, due to the fear of the answer she might receive.

Nayeon looked down.


She gripped her bottle and looked at Nayeon waiting for her to say something.

-I think we should leave everything behind.- Nayeon said and then took another sip of beer.

-To do that you should try not to do the same things in the present.- Jeongyeon said trying to remain impassive.


Jeongyeon nodded and drank more beer, as if at the end of that bottle she could find the answers to her problems.

-I'm identical to my father, right? One could say that I'm the female photocopy of him.


-Then why did you say I was ugly?

-Because you didn't look like me or Mina Myoui or Jennie Kim.

-So being beautiful means being popular?

-No, being popular means being beautiful.

Jeongyeon laughed at that ridiculous statement.

-Have you and my father already had an intimate relation?- Jeongyeon asked, embarrassing Nayeon, whose cheeks turned red.

-What kind of questions! It's not like I would tell you. But if you're interested, since it's your father, after all, no.- Nayeon replied, lifting a great weight from Jeongyeon's heart, even though the girl knew that sooner or later her enemy and her father would find themselves doing it.

-You and Sana?- Nayeon asked without meeting her gaze with that of the other and tapping her nails on her bottle.


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