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-Good morning!- Tzuyu exclaimed as she entered the Yoo house as if she hadn't invited herself.

-Tzuyu... Why are you here?

-You know, I'm here for what's mine. Listen... If you don't want something unpleasant to happen to you-

-Are you threatening me?

-I'm warning you. You know that bad people get punished. Right? Although maybe you would prefer to be punished by your stepmother, right?

-Let me guess: you laughed all night about that pathetic little girl in love with her stepmother.

-No, we laughed all night about that pathetic little girl falling in love with a woman like Im Nayeon.

-Right, because I'm not on her level, Minhyuk was, right? You were on Sana's level, right?

The Taiwanese clenched her fists. -Listen to me carefully, don't put Sana in the middle. You don't even love her.

-And you wanna tell me that you have ever loved her?

-Things are like this: either you leave Sana or I will personally tell her that for all these years you have done nothing but look at my friend's ass.

-And do you think she will believe the girl who cheated on her?

-And who should she believe? The one who occasionally calls her to vent as if she were just an object? Or do you think she didn't notice? Is she stupid?

-Why do you know certain things? Do you know that I could report you for stalking?

Tzuyu shrugged. -It's Natty the stalker here. So, are we in agreement? I'll give you a week, then I'll leave everything in Nayeon's hands.

-I'm not afraid of your friend.

-Better for you.

Jeongyeon hated how her life was getting more complicated every day. She ran into her room and locked herself in, trying to think about what to do. She hated Nayeon, she hated Tzuyu but most of all she hated herself because she had never managed to fight back for all those years.

Like every day, Sana showed up at Yoo's house. Nayeon, finding herself on that floor, went to open the door and found herself in front of the Japanese woman.

-Hi, Sana. Are you looking for Jeongyeon? She's upstairs.- Nayeon said with a smile.

-Hi, Nayeon. You're fine today.- said the Japanese woman, who used to compliment her, upon entering.

Nayeon closed the door and turned to find Sana on the stairs, heading towards Jeongyeon's room. She waited a while, then she went upstairs. Nayeon walked in and shook her gaze noticing that the two girlfriends were in a romantic moment. Sana felt embarrassed and removed her hands from Jeongyeon's.

-If you want, I prepared something to eat.- Nayeon said.

-Am I invited too?- Sana asked happily.

-Of course, you're still Jeongyeon's girlfriend, right? You are part of the family.- Nayeon said smiling at her.

Sana got up and ran to hug Nayeon, who, taken by surprise, hugged her back after a few seconds. Sana then pulled away and looked at Jeongyeon.

-Let's go!- the Japanese girl said excitedly, making Jeongyeon giggle.

The three girls went down to the living room and sat down.

-Rice with courgettes. You were wasted.- Jeongyeon said, joking this time.

-Cooking is not my strong point. I'm good in other fields.- Nayeon said shrugging, taking her rice with the spoon.

-I noticed it last night.- Jeongyeon said with a grin.

Nayeon immediately glared at her. Sana's eyes widened at that statement.

-I don't believe it! You and Kyungsoo?- asked the Japanese girl.

-He's my partner, isn't he?

-How was it?- asked Sana, who was sometimes a little too intrusive, but she didn't do it on purpose.

-Like any normal relationship.- replied Nayeon, who actually didn't know what a normal relationship was like.

-I noticed from the screams that my father gets along.- continued Jeongyeon, who enjoyed teasing Nayeon and embarrassing her.

-I noticed from Sana's screams that you took after your father.- Nayeon said with a grin on her face.

-At least I make girls scream.

-And here we go again: again with Minhyuk's story. Is this the only topic you know how to talk about? Are you that obsessed with me?

-Yes, that's right, I'm obsessed with you.- Sana looked at her girlfriend surprised and hopeful that she hadn't heard correctly. -I am obsessed with the hunger for revenge after all the humiliations, the years in which you ruined my life, the tasteless jokes, the threats... I want to ruin your life, Im Nayeon.

-Jeongyeon...- Sana tried to stop her.

-What, Sana? You know what she did to me. And her friend... She threatened me to get you back, as if I were just a stupid object.

-Her friend?- Sana did the math. -Tzuyu did this? When?

-Just before you came.

-Sana, Tzuyu is a piece of sh*t, she cheated on you, she broke your heart.- Nayeon began. -But she never used you, what she felt for you, as unbelievable as it is, because she is Tzuyu, and as much as she won't admit it, was true. What does the girl here do to show you her love for you? Take her anger out on you? And then? Abandon you? Not being heard from for days?

The Japanese woman lowered her gaze. She knew very well that Jengyeon was like this, that she didn't love her, but Sana liked her, she had feelings for her girlfriend and she couldn't think of being without her, that's why she never left her, she never left her confronted, just as she had with Tzuyu. This was Sana: the eternal tease, the eternal inept, the girl who gave her all but she was teased and pretended everything was okay. Maybe the others should have stopped looking only at themselves and realized that Sana was suffering as much as them, if not more.

-What do you say about me!?- Jeongyeon shouted. -Do you want to make me break up with my girlfriend so your friend can cheat on her again?

-Jeong... Nayeon is right. I know you don't love me, but I don't care, because I like being with you. Maybe... You don't like being with me. And... Not even Tzuyu. Maybe I'm boring or too clingy, maybe you need your space.

-No, the truth is this: although I don't particularly like you, you were part of our group for a period. It's not you, Jeongyeon likes someone else and Tzuyu... She's like that, she's never had a stable relationship and I don't imagine her in one.

-Do you like someone else, Jeong?- Sana asked with tears in her eyes. -And why didn't you tell me?

-It's not like that, Sana... I shouldn't like her.

-And yet you like her.- Nayeon said irritated. -Stop lying to this girl, you've been doing it for years.

-Yes, I like her, but I said I shouldn't. And do you know why? Because she's annoying, she hates me, she finds enjoyment in humiliating me, she's arrogant... Do you want me to continue?

-Yes, I like it when they insult me.

-Is it Nayeon you like, Jeong?- the Japanese girl asked, looking at her while her tears gently caressed her sweet cheeks. -And how long for?

-Since we were twelve. You know... She was fifteen, she was older and very attractive and, even though she treated me badly, I couldn't do anything about it.

-Yet you know that I would never be with someone like you, I have a reputation to maintain.

-Yes, the b*tch's one.

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