O2-His Partner

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🐰his partner🐶

That damned week had passed and Jeongyeon hadn't spoken to her father, trying to avoid meeting him, leaving his room when he wasn't at home or at night. The girl still didn't accept that her father could have abandoned them for any woman. Mr. Yoo's partner was about to arrive and Jeongyeon's sisters had prepared to welcome the new addition to their family.

Someone knocked on the door and on the first floor Seungyeon and Soyeon, despite being 23 and 22 years old respectively, started arguing like little girls over who should open the door. Luckily for the woman outside, Mr. Yoo was in the kitchen, so he decided to answer the door himself. Seungyeon and Soyeon stopped arguing to look at who the woman their father loved so much. They looked out and saw a very beautiful girl and when I say a girl, I don't mean an adult of the female gender, I'm really talking about a girl. Seungyeon and Soyeon looked at each other and with a simple glance they instantly understood: what was their father thinking? The girl, a little younger than both girls, came in smiling carrying two suitcases. Seungyeon and Soyeon smiled respectfully, but both were confused as to what was happening.

-Seungyeon, Soyeon, isn't your sister coming down?- the father asked, closing the door behind him.

-You know what she's like.- Seungyeon said as she studied the newcomer from head to toe.

-Girls, this is Nayeon, my partner. Nayeon, these are Seungyeon and Soyeon, my daughters. As you already know, I have three daughters. Unfortunately, Jeongyeon hasn't been feeling well, so she's upstairs.- Mr. Yoo lied, embarrassed by his younger daughter's behavior.

Nayeon nodded looking at her partner, then turned her gaze to the two sisters. She held out her hand to Seungyeon.

-Nice to meet you. Im Nayeon.

Seungyeon shook hands out of courtesy but she didn't like that situation at all. Soyeon did the same.

-Shall we sit down?- proposed the father.

The three girls went towards the sofa. The two sisters sat on the one under the stairs, while Mr. Yoo, sitting in the chair opposite his daughters, took Nayeon's wrist and pulled her onto him. The two sisters looked at the scene rather embarrassed. Nayeon giggled and gave her partner a kiss, keeping her arms around his neck. Seungyeon faked a cough, attracting the attention of the two lovers, who turned their gazes to the girls.

-Nayeon, if I may, how old are you?- Seungyeon asked, finally asking what Soyeon also wanted to know.

Nayeon wasn't surprised at all by that question. She settled on her partner and tried to make a good impression on Kyungsoo's daughters.

-Twenty-one.- Nayeon replied embarrassed, lowering her head.

Seungyeon and Soyeon looked at each other and realized again that they had the same ideas. Of course Jeongyeon was right not to accept that relationship, but their father was an adult man and had the right to be happy.

Nayeon just smiled, while their father laughed awkwardly. Seungyeon and Soyeon were surprised that their father had chosen a partner who was younger than the two of them and only three years older than their sister.

Meanwhile, Jeongyeon was in her room and hadn't heard anything except for her sister Seungyeon's laughter. She rolled her eyes. Sooner or later she would have to meet her father's partner, since they would have lived together, but Jeongyeon decided that this was not the right time. She wanted to meet her by chance, and not by coming down to greet her, as if to show that she cared about her. Jeongyeon didn't care about that woman in the slightest and she would even tell her so. When she met her, she would have told her that, if they wanted to live together civilly, she shouldn't have spoken to her. Jeongyeon's best friend Jihyo knew exactly what her friend was feeling. Jihyo could perhaps be defined as the only one who really understood her. Unfortunately, Seungyeon loved her father and almost defended him at times. Soyeon sometimes supported Seungyeon, sometimes Jeongyeon. Jihyo knew how much Jeongyeon just needed attention for her father to remember her existence. And now that that woman was there... He would forget about her again. After all, she was still the one who killed his wife. She called Jihyo, who answered immediately.

-Hey, so? Have you met her?

-No, I don't like her. She's downstairs with Seungyeon and Soyeon.

-We don't know what she is like, maybe her goal is to be your mother.

-A middle-aged woman never has this goal. She must already have her own children and her own problems. Then... We're old, she'll just ignore us.

-You're not that old; you're still eighteen.

-But I know how to take care of myself and then I have two older sisters.

Jihyo sniffed at her. -Don't start out prejudiced. If your father loves her enough to bring her into his house she must be worth it.

Jeongyeon shook her head. -You're forgetting about the prostitute.

-Maybe he was traumatized by that experience.

-It almost seems like you're on his side.

-I'm not on his side, but I would like you to learn to trust people, that you don't see a woman as a threat, she will never want to take your father away from you, because you are his daughter and she is his partner.

-But maybe she'll want to be alone with him and he'll kick us out of the house.

-I don't think she would be capable of doing this. I know it's hard, but try to give her a chance. If you're right then... We'll see what to do. You will talk about it with your uncle.

-I'm giving her week. I'm sure she's another milf who only has her a beautiful body and is only interested in my father's wallet.

Jihyo rolled her eyes. -Leave your criticisms until you meet her. We don't even know if they will be needed.

-They will certainly be useful.

-As you like. Now go down and give her a chance.

-Go down? If she wants to see me, she comes up. Otherwise we will meet if destiny wants it.

-Destiny?- Jihyo laughed making fun of her friend. -Destiny? So if destiny doesn't bring you together, will you live under the same roof as a person you've never seen?

-Better. If I don't see her I get less irritated.

today's translation might suck a little, i'm sorry in advance <3

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