14-Ghosts from the past

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🐰ghosts from the past🐶

-Wow!- Jeongyeon exclaimed getting out of Nayeon's car. -You didn't tell me that the party would be at your holiday home.

-Holiday home? It's my house.

-House... Do you live in a mansion!?

-I used to live. And then you live in Gangnam-gu, what are you surprised about? Now come and try not to make me look miserable, even if by seeing me next to you they'll think I am.

-What a lovely girlfriend I've found.

-Be thankful it's for one evening.

-The most beautiful evening of your life.

-In your dreams, Yoo.

Jeongyeon took her hand as they walked towards the garden. The girl entered without any problems, being Im Nayeon, and immediately she looked around for Yuna.

-Nay! You finally came!- exclaimed her sister. -So, where's my gift?

-It seemed strange that you were happy to see me. For that you will have to wait a few days.

-And who is this? I thought you were dating an 80-year-old. And instead... Wow. You're finally one of us!

-He's fifty and shut up, Yuna. She's my fake girlfriend and no one has to know it.

-Fake brunette! And look who's there! Parasite!

Nayeon turned and saw her friend approaching with a girl. Jeongyeon looked at her carefully.



-Oh my God! You... You and... How did this happen?

-Oh... We... It's a long story. What are you doing here?

-I came with Tzuyu.

Nayeon, meanwhile, had taken Tzuyu by the arm and led her away. -Seriously? Sana's twin?

-They don't look much alike.

-What are you doing with her sister here?

-I told her: hey do you want to go to a party full of food? And here we are.

-And does Sana know it?

-Obviously, she went crazy with jealousy. Who can blame her, poor thing.

-Tzuyu! Shall we go to the buffet?-Momo asked, calling her attention.

-Now excuse me but I have a girl to feed and you have yours to introduce to everyone.

-I hate you.

Tzuyu reached Momo and Nayeon returned to Jeongyeon. The blonde wrapped an arm around Nayeon's waist.

-Let's go, my love.

-I'll remove those four hairs on your head one by one.- she whispered to her.

-Nayeon! What a pleasant surprise!

Pleasant surprise? It was her sister's party.

-Mrs. Lee!

Jeongyeon's smirk immediately disappeared. There were many Lees in Seoul but... The lady was identical to that Lee.

-It's nice to see you, how's it going? Haven't seen each other in a while...

-Yes... Is everything good with you?

-Good for me, but I find my son strange... Look, he's there. He doesn't talk to anyone, he doesn't go out with friends anymore. Don't you want to go and talk to him?

-I don't know... You know, since we broke up...

-Precisely for this reason: you are the only one he has really listened to and you have known each other your whole life. Come on, Nayeon, I know you're a good girl, from a good family...

Nayeon wanted to snort. -Okay, I'll go talk to him.

Mrs. Lee smiled. -Thanks.

-Do you really want to go talk to him?- Jeongyeon whispered.

-What should I do? I have the misfortune that his mother is my mother's best friend.

-Do you want me to wait for you here?

-Go to Tzuyu and her date.

Nayeon huffed and started walking towards the boy sitting in the corner with a glass in his hand.


-So it's true... You're with Yoo.

Nayeon sat down next to him. -Yes... Life is strange, isn't it?

-You're strange. You were teasing her until yesterday and now you're together. Tell me the truth: were you already cheating on me with her?

-What comes to mind!? I have never betrayed you. You have done it.

-And how did this love between you arise?

Nayeon shrugged. -She liked me and then... I got to know her.

-Nayeon, you don't love her, you're spiteful to me. You said you needed a mature man and then I find out you're with her girl.

-She may be your age but she is certainly more mature than you. Her mother is dead, her father has had several affairs, her relatives blame her for killing her mother-

-And they do well.

-Well, do you understand the difference between you and her? We are superficial people, Minhyuk. She is rich but she lives as if she isn't. She doesn't even have a maid.

-Exactly, we are superficial, we are the same, we must be together.

-No, Minhyuk, we are not the same. I loved you and you betrayed me all these years.

-Don't tell me you're really in love. Nayeon, you don't like her. It's just to make me jealous.

-You're right, this was the reason why I got together with Kyu... Jeongyeon.

-You see! You even get her name wrong!

-And because she is rich. Well, at least her father is. And because the idea of ​​the mature attracted me.

-So you don't love her?

-I don't love the person I'm with, but it doesn't mean I love you. In these months without you I have realized that I am fine, mine was just a habit.

-You're not okay. You can't be happy without me. And why don't you leave her?

-Minhyuk, I'm not with Jeongyeon.

-How are you not with Jeongyeon? And who are you with then?

-With her father.

-With him... Then the story of the mature man is true! And why did you lie to me?

-How why? Because no one has to know who I'm with. But I don't love him, but he is so obsessed with me...

-Let me understand: is he blackmailing you?

Nayeon looked down. -I cannot tell you.

-And what are you going to do? Letting someone control your life? You never allowed it.

-Because I had never met someone stronger than me before.

-But Nay, you have to react. We have to tell your father.

-Are you joking!? My father must not know!

-And what do you want me to do? Watching you f*ck someone else against your will?

-I have to pretend, at least for a while.

-And the Parasite knows it, right? It's all revenge on her. She wants revenge for everything you did to her.

-I don't think she knows. You say it yourself: she's a parasite. Believe me, she had the opportunity to ask me to go to bed and instead she just asked me to sleep with her.

-I won't sit still, Nayeon.

-Minhyuk, stay still.

update cuz me myself was curious about what was going to happen
lmao i wanna update once again

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