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-Yoo Jeongyeon!- Minhyuk exclaimed as he approached her.

-Shut up, Minhyuk.- Nayeon whispered to him.

-And so you're with my girlfriend.

Jeongyeon wrinkled her nose. -No, I'm with my girlfriend. She's your ex now.

-Do you mind coming over there to talk? From man to... Whatever you are.

-Will you dare to hit her?- asked Tzuyu.

-No, I just want to have a chat.

Tzuyu looked at Nayeon, who with her gaze said "I'll explain later". Jeongyeon looked at Momo, then at Tzuyu and finally decided to follow Minhyuk.

-What does he want now?

-Now I'll explain.

Minhyuk took Jeongyeon to the shed by the pool and closed the door.

-You will ask yourself why you are here: out of a jealous scene? No, Nayeon doesn't even love you.

-Are you sure? Yet she left you for me.

-Oh yes? Nayeon told me the truth. You're her fake girlfriend. Sure, she doesn't love me, that's what she thinks, but I'm not here to describe to you how Nayeon will fall at my feet again.

-What do you want from me if you know that I'm not her girlfriend?

-You are not her girlfriend, but you are her partner's daughter. Look, I know I've hurt you in your life, but don't blame her.

-Taking it out on her? Why should I?

-You'll hurt her and that's not your style, Yoo.

-Hurt her? Minhyuk, you've hurt her so far. Why would I hurt her?

-You liked my girlfriend, didn't you?

-I don't see what that has to do with it-

-Why do you let your father stay with her? Haven't you ever wondered why Nayeon is with that man? Because she loves him? Because he is rich? No, Parasite.

-Do you want to convince me to let her leave my father so you can get her back and make her suffer?

-No, I'm just trying to warn you. Your father is not a grown man, Yoo. I don't know what's going on but Nayeon told me that she doesn't love him, but that she needs to be with him.

-Are you sure of what you're saying?

-I think he is threatening Nayeon.

-How... In what sense?

-She didn't want to tell me much.

-No... My father doesn't do these things.

-And Nayeon doesn't hang around with losers, yet here she is with you. Do what you want, but I want my girlfriend back and I will fight for them to break up. If you like Nayeon, look into it. I almost prefer her to be with you than to see her forced by a pedophile to be with him.


-Why didn't you tell me about it, Nay?

-What was I supposed to do, Tzu? This is ridiculous!

-Ridiculous is an understatement! I don't believe it! And now surely Lil Eggplant is threatening your fake girlfriend.

-You say he's threatening her?

-Does it interest you?

-No, I was just asking. Do you think Minhyuk can find a solution?

-I should ask you this, because you were the one who told Minhyuk. Indeed, to tell it first to Minhyuk and then to me, your best friend, the sister you never had- She looked at Yuna and shrugged.

-I told you... I saw him there, all depressed...

-Nay, look into my eyes.- Tzuyu said, taking her by the shoulders. -Swear to me you still don't like Lil Eggplant.- Nayeon looked down. -No Nay! No! We said "no more idiots, no more Minhyuk", you can't do this to me.

-You still like Sana too.

-But Sana is a good person, Minhyuk is not.

-He has his qualities.- she said, smoothing her hair.

-Do you still like him... After all this time?

-I never stopped liking him, Tzu, don't you understand that I love him?

-Are you talking about my father?

Nayeon closed her eyes while Tzuyu smirked. The brunette turned and saw her partner's daughter.

-What did Minhyuk want from you?

-Can I talk to you?

-I'll leave you alone.- said the Taiwanese walking away.

-Tzu, come back here.

-Nayeon, I talked to your ex. Although I don't like him, I don't think he could have invented all this. Is what he said about my father true?

-Come on, how can you believe that? He is your father.

-Yeah, in my family I'm the only one who sees the negative sides of my father. Nayeon, I care about you.

-No, don't say it.- the girl said, turning around.

Jeongyeon sighed and walked around her, finding themselves face to face again.

-Whether you like it or not, I care about you. I cared when that idiot cheated on you, I care now too. Why are you with my father?

Nayeon looked down. -Let's not talk about it here. Come with me.

The brunette started walking through the crowd and Jeongyeon followed her. They entered the villa and went up to the second floor. Nayeon opened a light blue room and sat on the bed.

-Not on the bed, only Minhyuk was here.

Jeongyeon sat down on the chair. -Then you still care. He's right.

-What did he tell you? Is he seeing someone else?

-Do you think he would tell me? He said he wants to win you back and he will.

Nayeon smiled. -And this makes you jealous?

-We're not here to talk about that.

-Oh no? And since when do you decide what to do?

-Since there is something concerning you and my father. He... Since my mother died he hasn't been the same, but everyone always justifies it. To help you I need to know what's going on between you.

-You see... I don't love him, I'm deceiving him.

-And why?

-I don't feel like talking about it.

-Is it about money? About what? I can give it to you if you want.

-God! You know Minhyuk is rich. I cannot tell you.

-Nayeon...- Jeongyeon crouched down in front of the girl and took her hands. -I made you a promise and I've kept it so far. All I did was talk about how much I hated myself, how pathetic I was for thinking you could like me, but we both know the truth, don't we?

-No, Jeongyeon, don't say it. You promised me.

-And I've kept my promise so far. But do we really want to continue denying the past? Do we really want to deny what happened between us?

Nayeon released her hands and shifted her gaze to the wall. -Jeongyeon, we already talked about this four years ago: it's all over, we have to pretend that nothing happened and you were doing so well...

-But how can I pretend that there's nothing if you live in my house and do who knows what with my father? And then... I find out that you don't love him.

-Tell him, you know by now.

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