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what keeps my stories alive are your comments <3


-Good evening.- Jeongyeon said when Nayeon opened the door. -I almost thought you had dumped me.

-It was among the options.- the girl said, sitting down.

-Where do you want to go?

-Haven't you booked any restaurants?

-Do I look like Lee Minhyuk to you? I won't take you to an expensive restaurant and then ask you for dessert in my car. That's what you want to ask me.

-I still have time to leave.

-Worse for you.

Nayeon crossed her arms over her chest. -What's your idea of ​​a date?

-I have a small apartment here in Seoul. I made dinner there if you like.

-Directly to your home, so we don't waste time.

-You're a pervert, you know that? I actually planned to have dinner, talk civilly, and then take you home.

-We'll see. At the end of the evening it will be you who will ask me not to go.

-Are you really that confident, Im Nayeon?

-Why shouldn't I?

-We'll see, we'll see... Let's go to my house in the meantime.

They left for Jeongyeon's house but Nayeon had a doubt. -If you have this house why do you live with your father?

-Being alone is boring. I only go there when I want some time to myself.

-Mh. I understand.

-You don't have your own house?

-Not yet.

-Soon it could be mine.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -You're terrible at flirting.

-And yet you are here with me.

-I'm about to throw myself out of the moving car.

-You know how to open the door.

-Seriously: what happened to you?

-If you had given me the chance to show myself for what I am, you would have discovered that I am much more interesting than I seem. But you have always judged me by appearance, remaining superficial. But now you want to get to know me better, don't you?

-Mh. We will see.

-I take it as a "yes, I die for you".

-Listen to her. I don't understand why Sana didn't leave you.

-Because I'm like that just with you. I know how much you like toxic relationships.

-As if you weren't attracted to them.

-I'm dating Im Nayeon after all.


-So, how is it?- Jeongyeon asked.

-Fairly good.

-I guess the maids at your house know how to cook better.

-You don't want to have maids? It would be better.

-I prefer to cook for both of us.

-On the other hand I think we would nee...

-Excuse me? "We would"?

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