27-Princess Sana

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🐰princess sana🐶

-Tzuyu, bring me water please.

-Right away.

The Latina got up from the sofa and went into the kitchen. Momo looked at the scene in amazement as if she had seen an alien.

-Here you go, love.

Sana looked at her for a few seconds. -Can't you see that my sister is there too?

-She'll eat you too if you're not careful.- she whispered to herself. -Momo do you want something?

-Just an iced tea if you have it.

-Yes, I'll take it too.

When the Latina was off their radar, Momo finally turned to her twin. -What... What... Huh!?

Sana laughed. -I know, it's incredible.

-Is she a lookalike of her? Her hidden twin sister?

-After much insistence, I told her that I would agree to give it a try again if she would treat me like a princess. Tzuyu has changed, I didn't expect it. She has become kind, thoughtful, affectionate... It's strange to say these things about her.

-True... But Jihyo told me, who I met at the mechanic-

-Have you got a car?

-The mechanic's daughter is cute.

-Ah. Let me see her a little.

-Why do you have to see the mechanic's daughter if you already have me, love?- Tzuyu asked, placing Momo's iced tea in front of the Japanese girl.

-I asked myself the same thing in high school: why did you have to see the others if you had me?

-We said to stop it. I'm doing better now, right? But I can't promise you I'll do the same towards Jeongyeon, that girl irritates me.

-Towards whom?

-Jeongyeon, tall, blonde hair, a nice pair of-


-I confirm.- Momo said as she took her tea in her hand.

-Jeongyeon? I remembered her as "Parasite".- Tzuyu's eyes widened. Sana loved teasing her and this was the perfect opportunity. -Then you are truly becoming a better person.

-No! No! It's Nayeon's habit of calling her that because she doesn't want me to call her "Parasite."

-Oh no?- asked Momo. -And why?

-Oh you don't know?- Sana ​​asked. -You know Nayeon is the most submissive girl we know.

-Look who's talking.- Momo commented looking at the Latina with a maid's apron.

The taller girl frowned and quickly took it off and then threw it on the ground.

-You were so sexy though.- Sana whispered to her.

-Be that as it may, Nayeon loves Minhyuk, Minhyuk has changed, Minhyuk this way, Minhyuk that way... But what you maybe don't know is that Nayeon cheated on him in high school.

-Huh!? And with whom?


-No! Really!? With you?

-She's a moron.- Sana commented.

-You don't even know what a coupon is.

-Still with this story?

Momo and Tzuyu started laughing.

-I still wonder why Nayeon ate it when she could have used it herself.

(Really, why did she do that? Had she argued with Sana? Hahah
Ps. I find it humanly impossible to argue with Sana)

-That's why, Momo, because your sister went after the Parasite. And meanwhile Nayeon was sleeping with her.

-Huh!? What!? Jeongyeon was sleeping with Nayeon!?

-For a year!- Sana exclaimed. -That's why we broke up, not just because she's a b*tch like Tzuyu, but because it's a mile away that she still has feelings for Nayeon.

-Ah... And Nayeon?

-Here comes the good part.- said Tzuyu. -Do you know what's going around that she broke up with Minhyuk?


-Where do you live?- Sana asked her.

-I have no friends!

-Ah, yeah.- Tzuyu commented. -Anyway, Nayeon left him because every time he was with her she felt annoyed and knew she wanted something else.

-Don't tell me that by "something else" she meant... Jeongyeon.

-Bingo. But the idiot isn't willing to do anything. I was better, right Sana?

-Yes, love.- said the Japanese girl and then gave her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek.

-On the one hand, I don't blame her.- said Momo. -She recently broke up with Jeongyeon's father.

-And he also made a scene, or rather two.

-Among other things on the set.- added Sana.

-Jeongyeon obviously wouldn't risk getting together with Nayeon knowing that her father is so unstable.

-Who?- Sana teased again.

-Ah! The Parasite!

-Nayeon probably thinks the same.- Momo commented.

-Anyway, the mechanic's daughter?- asked Sana.

-Oh yeah!

Momo took her phone and showed it to the other two with satisfaction.

-Little one.

-Pretty.- Sana said.

Tzuyu read the username. -Dahyunnee.


-The situation is worse than it seems.- Seungyeon said. -He says he refused to talk to the therapist.

-Can't he find a woman her age?- Soyeon asked.

-I think he's trying to recreate our mother's image. She was young when she left.

-But she's not that young.- commented the middle sister.

-Yes, she was a few years older than Nayeon.- the eldest replied.

-Nayeon is a beautiful name, isn't it?

-Huh?- Seungyeon asked.

-If you have to think out loud, don't do it with dad in the other room. Only this was missing: our father and our younger sister in love with the same person.

-No, no!

Jeongyeon put her hands on her face. For days now, since she had seen her on the set, she had been thinking about the girl and smiling, and she had thought that her name was a really nice name. Yet she was convinced that she was cured, that she had detoxified after five months.

-Anyway, I have to go and apologize to the director for the fool I made last time.- Seungyeon said, getting up.

-I'll come with you.

-To see her?- Soyeon asked.

-No, because I was there too and I want to apologize personally even if they don't know me. Idiot.

Soyeon laughed and watched her sisters walk away from her, then went to talk to her father.

This book will DEFINITELY undergo more changes in the future

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