Chapter 3

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"Ash, get the fuck from me." I bucked at her. She kept poking at my tattoo. That shit was fucking annoying.

"Whoever did it, has real skills. It looks like a spitting image from the reference." My sister examined the tat as I sat there.

I thought back to Texas. Shit, she was bad as fuck. She was precise with what she does and she's diligent. She was graceful and that shit was sexy.

"I'm think of getting a sleeve." I thought out loud and she looked at me with a crazy face.

"You just got your very first tattoo. Slow down." She told me.

"Girl, you don't own me." I stood up from the couch. "Guess what, though?"

"Hm?" Ashlynne looked up at me.

"The girl who did my tat was beautiful." I told her.

I told Ash all about my day and even the small things. She was my only sibling and I appreciated her. I knew she'd love to hear about the girl. Even if I was to never talk to her again.

"Ooh, what she look like?" She looked intrigued.

"She has locs and her name is Texas."

"Oh, she owns the tattoo shop." She nodded her head.

"Yeah, I didn't even know that until she told me her name. That's Zani's friend too."

"Really? I mean, we haven't seen Z in a long time." She shrugged and I nodded on agreement.

Ash and I used to live in New York for most of our lives and then we moved to LA. We could've been in touch with Tizani sooner but we lived on the other side eof town and we're too busy to meet up.

"Would you date her?" Ash asked with hope.

"Hell no. You know I don't do that shit."

I didn't do relationships and that was for two reasons. One, because I hated the feeling of being vulnerable. A relationship wouldn't work if one is emotionally unavailable. Two, I wouldn't call myself a hoe, but I love to sleep around. I'd rather be uncommitted than chest on someone who didn't deserve it.

If someone was to show me different, then I might change my ways. Maybe.

"Mhm. Well, I'm gonna go see Latrell. Love you, brother." She hugged me before leaving.

"Love you too." I responded before she walked out, leaving me by myself.

Texas was beautiful but there was no reason to stress over her. I don't know her and she probably didn't have any interest in me.



"Welcome." I smiled as the man walked in. He returned the smile, showing his white pearls.

"Good afternoon." He responded.

"Do you have an appointment, sir?" I looked on the laptop through the schedule.

"Yes, for 3:10."

"For... Darius?" I looked up at him and he nodded.

"Okay, good. My good sis, Dezi, will take care of you from here." I pointed behind me to Dezi. She stood up and he followed her to her room for his tattoo.

I sat down and went on my phone. I texted Zani my lunch order since she was out, getting us all lunch.

"Texas, who was the guy that came in earlier?" Vanny asked me.

"There was like 3 guys that came in earlier." I told him and he smacked his lips.

"The one that got his tattoo done by you." He clarified.

"Oh, Koffi. Tizani's cousin." I scrolled through the schedule on my iPad as he plopped down next to me.

"Ohhhh." He dragged. I ignored whatever else he was saying as I scrolled through my phone.

In about 2 hours, the man and Dezi came back to the front. I rang him up and he payed for his stuff.

"Texas, right?" He swiped his card.

"Yup." I nodded my head as I handed him his receipt.

"How about I take you out Friday night?" He asked. I shrugged, telling him yes.

I had nothing better to do.

"Sure. Here's my number." I wrote my number on a piece of paper.

"Not you going on a date." Melby came around the corner as the guy left.

"Oh my gosh! Why did you have to be here when that happened?" I asked rhetorically. Mel is always popping up at the wrong times.

"Finally, Texas won't be by herself." She continued. Everyone started to make jokes so I tuned them out.

I wasn't even taking this date seriously. His vibes were corny but my days have become so boring that I didn't mind going on a date.

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