Chapter 27

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I was finally going back home where I had clean clothes. It would feel nice to go back home for a little bit. I knew I wouldn't be there for long, though.

I felt like being around Koffi all the time and I know he felt the same way because I had to pry him off of me so that I could leave.

I had just parked when my phone started to ring. It was Nelly.

"Hey, sis. What's up?" I answered and she sighed on the other line.

"I think Ten is still dealing." She admitted.

"What? I thought he was out of that shit." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Well in his jacket pocket, I found the shit he sells." She spoke in a disappointed tone.

"Where are you?"

"At his place. He's about to take me home but he's in the shower and I knew something was wrong. Texas can you please talk to him? It seems like no matter what I say he still does the same stuff."

"I will try, Nelly. I've tried constantly to get him out of that life but it doesn't seem as if he's listening." I explained.

"Alright. We'll be there soon." She hung up and I put my head against the steering wheel.

"Whyyyyyyy?" I dragged.

I hated going through this shit with Tenni. Like, is it that hard to stay away from selling drugs?

How many times did I have to talk to him and encourage him for him to actually listen?

I went up into the penthouse and made myself a sandwich as I waited for Nelly and Ten to come.

Eventually, I heard them at the door when the handle and lock jiggled.

"Hey, Tex." Nelly greeted me.

"Wassup, Texas."

"Not much, sit down so we can talk." I told him and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Talk about what?" He questioned as he walked toward me a little.

"I tell you once you sit." I replied as he eyed me suspiciously. He finally sat down across from me and waited patiently for me to gather my words together.

"Tenni, are selling drugs again?" I blurted out.

"What?" He spat.

"You heard me. Answer the question and tell the truth, Ten." I stayed calm. He went silent and I knew my answer. "After all this, after I tried to help you and you went right back to where you don't belong. Why would you do that?"

I looked over to Nelly as I waited for his response that I never came. Her eyes were filled with sadness and disappointment.

"This shit only leads to prison and death, Ten. It's not a flex or a good lifestyle to live. But, you don't listen to me, or anyone for that matter." I shook my head at him.

"How would you know this anyway?" He asked and I looked over to Nelly.

"I saw that shit in your pocket, Ten." She admitted.

"So, you're going through my shit now?" He got defensive.

"Relax. We're all looking out for you and trying to save you but you don't even seem like you wanna be saved." I intervened.

"Fuck that. Y'all don't know what I got going on. You think this shit so easy, Texas. I'm so fucking tired of both of you being in my business. Stay the fuck out of it." He snapped and left the apartment completely.

"Lord have mercy on this child." I mumbled. 

"I really wish he would stop that shit. I don't know what I'm gonna do." Nelly sighed.

Nelly went to her room and I sat in the kitchen, writing out some plans for the new Kaffeine. Koffi decided that he was gonna name it Kappuccino. 

About an hour later, Melby came through the front door with a few groceries in her hand.

"Wow, I haven't seen you at this house in so long." Mel commented.

"Yeah, I've been really busy." I agreed.

"With your boyfriend, new friends, and new business?" She asked and I side-eyed her.

Why is she being weird right now?

"I guess. The new Kaffeine has needed a lot attention lately." I didn't bother to address her other comments because it wasn't her business.

"What about the shop, Texas? What's goin a happen to it?" She urged.

"Nothing. I can own the shop but I don't need to be there 24/7.  As the business grows, I won't need to be hovering all the time. Anything else, nosy?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes swiftly. She went back to putting away the groceries.

"Are you mad at me or something?" I asked her.

"Texas, you're changing. You act like you're too good for everyone else. Your own friends haven't seen you in a while unless it's about business." She revealed.

"That's not true, Mel. I see y'all all the time. And when I stop by, I spend real time with you guys. So what really is the problem? 'Cause it's starting to sound like you're fucking envious." I expressed.

The more and more I watched her cautiously, Lavan was right. Mel was jealous and she wanted to be my only friend. That shit was weird as fuck.

"Texas, what the fuck are you talking about? Don't accuse me of shit because you're insecure." 

I cannot believe this shit right now.

"How am I fucking insecure? You're the one with the insecurities and all the problems with me doing whatever the hell I want." I raised my voice. She was about to fire back when I heard a scream coming from the hall, Nelly's room.

"Nelly?!" I yelled out to her as I met her halfway through the hallway. Her chest was heaving up and down as she started to hyperventilate.

"It's-It's Ten. He got into a-an accident." She bawled in my arms.

My legs almost gave out on me when I heard that news. I had to stay tough for her because she was literally falling apart in my arms. I just saw Ten not even 2 hours ago and now I have to go see him in the hospital.


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