Chapter 17

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Yesterday's events replayed in my head all night and all this morning. First, Koffi's nasty attitude really put me in a bad mood. Then, my mother filled my head with lies. She tried to put me down every chance she got. She is the source of my trauma and I don't know how a mother could say such things to her children. 

Although today was a new day, I couldn't bring myself to be happy. It really put a damper on my day but maybe tomorrow would be a better day. However, I did have a meeting with Ashlynne and Koffi. I wasn't excited to see Koffi's stuck-up ass. But, this is business. Whatever pettiness he's up to will be over soon.


I didn't have time for his smart mouth today so he better be in better spirits. I was currently in the passenger seat of Ten's car. He insisted on taking me to my meeting after he dropped Nelly off at school.

"So, what's been going on, big sis?" He asked me and I laughed.

"Not much, I'm kinda on edge today because of my evil mother. But, I'm okay."

"Oooh, not Ms. Celise." he shook his head.

"You met her?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah. One time, I went to pick up Nelly and she cussed me out." he shrugged and I shook my head in response. Our conversation came to a halt when he started rapping King Von lyrics. He had a playlist with just him on it. I enjoyed it, nonetheless.

He parked in front of the building that seemed to be empty. This was the building they're planning to buy.

"Thanks, Ten." I kissed him on his cheek.

"No problem, sis." He told me before left his car and entered the building. Ashlynne and Koffi stood in the center of the building. His newly tatted arm was wrapped up.

"Hey, Ash." I smiled lightly, ignoring Koffi's presence.

"Hey, girl. You ready to get started and shit 'cause we been waiting on you." She told me and I nodded. I followed them into an office where a guy sat with 3 contracts. We all sat down and. Sat on the end and Koffi at in the middle, closer to me.

"This contract confirms that y'all are partners. Mr. Somar made it clear that he'd be buying the place, correct?" The guy asked and we nodded. "Alright, perfect. So, all you have to do is sign and we're done."

I signed my name at the blank space as they all did the same.

"It was nice doing business with you." Koffi shook the guy's hand before the guy left completely. And just like that, the place was ours.

"I'm proud of us." Ash smiled and I cracked a smile. The tension between Koffi and I was really fucking up the mood. "I'ma let y'all talk or whatever." She eased her way out of the office and closed the door behind her.

Koffi and I stood up at the same time and he walked over to the wall, turning his back against it. I leaned against the desk with my arms folded.

"You wanna explain why you can't acknowledge a nigga?" he tilted his head to the side.

Some nerve of this bitch.

"You wanna explain why you're acting petty?" I furrowed my eyebrows and he smacked his teeth. "Because it seems to me like you're being a bitch to me for no reason. I didn't even do shit to you and instead of acting like a grown man, you act childish."

"Childish?" He scoffed as if I was completely wrong.

"Yes! Childish! You want everybody to read your fucking mind, Ezra. Damn! If you have a problem, address it. Don't act like a fucking baby when I don't know what it is that you want! What is it that you want, Koffi?! You don't even know what you want!" I yelled at him. He pushed himself off the wall and pulled me to him, kissing me passionately. Our tongues tangled before he pulled back, sucking on my lip in the process.

"That's what the fuck I want." He mumbled. 

I quickly brought his lips back to mine and he pressed me against the wall as he ran his hands up and down my curves. I placed my hands on his chest, grabbing at his shirt. He pulled me even closer as he nibbled on my lip. We pulled back, out a breath now. We both let out a laugh as we tried to catch our breath.

"Can we talk about this later?" I asked softly.

"I have a few things to take care of at Kaffeine and then we can talk."

"Okay, I'm gonna call an Uber 'cause Ten dropped me off." I told him.

"You can come with me to Kaffeine, it won't take me long." He suggested.

"Okay." I nodded.


I was now in Koffi's office, patiently waiting for him. I'd been here for about 45 minutes, scrolling through Instagram. I was slightly confused because one second he's ignoring me and being petty and then the next, he's kissing me. I just want him to explain and clarify this is what he wanted. Because right now, I'm willing to risk it all.

I just feel anxious now because he's taking a long time. I rubbed my sweaty palms against my leggings nervously. The door then opened, making me look up to see Koffi.

"Hey." He closed the door behind him.

"Hi," I spoke shyly. "So, explain. One moment you're ignoring me and being petty and then you're kissing me. When you said you just wanted to be friends." I stated.

"No, you said you wanted to be friends. You cut me off when I was about I ask you out to say 'let's just be friends.' You shut me down completely." He explained. I felt so stupid now.

I thought he was gonna say that so I said it first.

"Ohh. I only said that because I thought you were gonna say it and I wanted to say it first 'cause I was really embarrassed after my drunken night." I reasoned. "I apologize, though. I should've let you finish."

"Yeah, but it's my fault too. I should've made that known instead of bein' petty." He shrugged. "So, we're good?" He asked for clarification.

"Mm, maybe." I playfully rolled my eyes and he sucked his teeth.

"I'ma make it up to you." He promised.

And that's when our worlds collided.

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