Chapter 6

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I turned away from Koffi, not wanting to look at him.

"You good?" He asked with concern.

"Yeah." I lied.

I just needed someone to talk to right now.

"Can you sit with me?" I blurted out.

"Of course." He sat down where Darius was sitting.

I allowed him to order us two drinks. I felt more comfortable to drink around him than Dickhead Darius.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend." He sipped his drink.

He thought he was slick.

"No, he's not my boyfriend. He asked me out on a date and for once I actually agreed." I explained.

I told him everything about my date from Darius' corny ass jokes to him calling me a cocky bitch.

"That was a pretty bad date, huh?" He laughed.

"Veryyyyyy." I dragged.

"Well, you look beautiful, though." He stared at my attire.

"Thank you." I blushed a little. "What brought you here tonight?"

"Well, I came to get a drink. I also needed to get a few things off my mind."

I tilted my head to the side, watching him as he watched me.

"What's on your mind?" I spoke softly.

"A lot. It doesn't matter, though." He dismissed it.

I wanted to know but I wasn't gonna push him to tell me. I didn't expect him to trust me either.

"You know, I never would have thought of you to own a business." I told him and he busted out laughing.

"Why is that?"

"I don't know. I thought you were like a mechanic or something." I joked.

"Well, I never saw myself working for someone. I wanted to work for myself. That's why I bought the place with my sister." He explained and I nodded.

"I got my tattoo shop on my 21st birthday. I felt that other jobs took too long to make money." I told him and he agreed.

"When's your birthday?" He interrogated me.

"April 1st. Yours?"

"January 5th." He answered.

"Ooh, y'all Capricorns." I shook my head and he let out a chuckle.

He ordered us more drinks and we started to talk more and more. It was now going on midnight.

"Can I ask you a question?" I spoke.

"Tell me."

"Do you have any weed?" I asked impulsively.

"You want some?" He spoke lowly and I nodded my head eagerly.

"Aight, let's go." He helped me put my seat and I stumbled a little bit. He turned me in the direction where his car was instead of mine.

"Get in my car."

"What about mine?" I pointed to my car.

"We'll get it tomorrow." He waved me off as he helped me into the passenger seat. He went to his side of the car and started up the car before pulling out the parking lot.

He pulled up to Kaffeine Hair and we walked into the dark building. He flicked on the lights and took me into his cubicle. He dimmed the room and sat me on a stool. He went into the cabinet and pulled out a little bag with already rolled blunts.

He lit one and took a pull from it before passing it to me.

"Is this a professional thing to do?" I took a pull from it and he watched me intensely.

"Shit, I don't know. I don't care either." He shrugged.

We sat in comfortable silence as we smoked. I felt at peace with him.

"Koffi?" I looked up to make eye contact with him but he was already looking at me.

"Tell me."

I love the way he says that.

"I'm super drunk and high right now." I told him truthfully and he started laughing at me.

"Let's play a game." He suggested.

"Okay. What game?"

"Truth or dare."

"Ooh, I love this game. Ask me." I clasped my hands together. I was gone by this point.

"Truth or dare?" He smiled.


"What is your biggest secret?" He smirked and I took a deep breath.

"You swear you won't tell anyone?"

"I swear, ma."

"So, this one time when I was 10, my mom let me have a sleepover for the first time ever. I was with my best friend at the time and when I went through my bag with pajamas, I realized that I forgot my underwear. So, I looked through my friend's drawers for some underwear but she had none. So I went into her hamper and found one and I quickly put it on. So, I was wearing her dirty panties for a day." I rambled.

That was a secret that I never told anyone. I was so disgusted with myself and I prayed to God everyday in my 4th grade year because I felt like a sinner.

"Wow." Koffi died with laughter.

"It wasn't that funny." I rolled my eyes. "What's your biggest secret?" I retorted.

His laughter died down and he looked at me seriously.

"Are you sure you want to hear it?"


"So, when I was 12, I came home and I took 13 pills." He spoke quickly and I sat there, not knowing what say.


"I'd get bullied everyday. But that day, the boys decided to beat me up and my parents didn't even notice so I went into the bathroom with some pills I found."

"What happened after?" I was intrigued now.

"Nothing. I guess God had a way of telling me that I needed to be smarter than that. I didn't have as much as a headache."

"Wow... You should've never even felt that way. I mean, those boys probably got karma. And I'm glad that God spared you because I like you. I'm sure your sister needed you too. She still needs you. You're stronger than that. You know, and I hope you healed from that because it would be hard to carry that into your adulthood." I rambled.

My mouth just kept running.

"Hold on, go back." He told me and I furrowed dmt eyebrows.


"You said you like me?" He smirked. I don't even remember that.

"Who said that?" I looked behind me as if I was actually looking for someone. He pulled my stool closer to his and stared into my eyes, reading me.

I hung my head, feeling nervous.

"You tired?" He picked up my head with his index finger.

"Yeah." I yawned on cue.

"Aight, I'ma get you home." He took me back to the car.

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