Chapter 19

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"Tizani, please don't leave." I begged. We turned on a movie to watch but now it seemed to be watching us. We were talking about everything under the sun. No way she was telling me that she might leave the shop. 

"I really think it's time for me to go, Texas. I mean, I love working with you but I wanna do what I love, you know? I talked to Lavan about opening a clothing store with him and he agreed." She informed me and I frowned.

I knew my friends wouldn't work at my shop forever. Almost fresh out of high school, I opened my shop and they just needed money. They have their own lives and I don't expect them to live under my wing for the rest of their lives. It was just too comfortable for me.

"Yeah, I understand. And since when did y'all ever talk about business?" I raised an eyebrow and she shrugged.

"When I realized that we could make a promising business." 

We talked some more, she explained that she'd probably leave in a few months. I'm glad she brought it to me first, instead of letting me find out on my own. 

"So, what's up with you and my cousin?" She side-eyed me.

"What do you mean?" I struggled to hide my smile as I played dumb.

"Girl, you know what the fuck I mean. That's why you cheesin' and shit." 

"Nothing much. I don't think we're really that serious. He said he wants to take me on a date tonight." I shrugged it off. I wasn't sure how serious we were and I really didn't wanna ask. It's been two weeks since he admitted his feelings to me so I was trying to give it some time before pressing the situation.

"Uh-huh. You going on that date, though. So, don't make seem like you don't care 'cause your heart is fluttering on the inside." She spoke bluntly.

"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes playfully as I waved her off. We finished up the movie before she told me that she had to go. It was going into the evening so I decided to get ready for this date.

I took a nice and hot shower and found something purple to wear. I put on some black jeans that took way too much energy to get into, and a big purple shirt with a Poetic Justice design on the front.

As I picked up my phone, it started to ring, and Koffi's name popped up, making me instantly answer the Facetime.

"Hey," I answered and propped up the phone in the bathroom. I went to fix my hair in the signature messy bun it's always in.

"Hey, baby. I'm on my way to you now." He told me and I nodded, smiling at the fact that he's always calling me his baby.

"Okay, I'm ready. You're not taking me anywhere extra fancy, are you?" I asked, now second-guessing my outfit.

"Nah, just dinner. I know your fat ass love food. Why?" I ignored his comment.

"Nothing. I was just wondering about my outfit." 

"Nah, you look good. Really good, actually." He was trying to focus on the road but he kept glancing at the camera to look at me. I blushed at his actions.

"How far are you?" 

"Like 5 minutes." He answered.

"Okay... Do you mind if I talk to you about something later?" I asked unsurely.

"Nah, I don't mind. Is it bad?" He knitted his eyebrows. 

"No," I answered quickly.

"Lo." He looked into the camera.

"It's not. I promise." I added and he nodded.

"Aight, come open this door for me."


"I'll get the chicken alfredo, please," I told the waitress. Koffi seemed as if he was trying to hold his laugh from across the table, which was making it very hard for me to focus on ordering. I was trying not to let out a laugh myself. The waitress finally left and we both went into a fit of laughter.

"You always tryna copy me." He spoke between his laughs.

"No, you just happened to order before me." I reasoned and he tooted his lips at my words.

"Like I ain't just tell you what I was ordering and you said you wouldn't get that 'cause didn't taste good and as soon as I'm done ordering, you change your order to mine." 

"I was confusing it with something else." I rolled my eyes, which made him laugh even harder. I've never seen him laugh this much.

"Did you drink before you came here or something?" I asked quietly.

"Maybe." He shrugged.

"Crazy ass," I commented.

"Yeah... So, what was it that you wanted to talk about?" He asked and I took a deep breath.

"I don't know if I'm just in my head or if I'm trying to rush things. I just wanna know that you're serious. I don't wanna look stupid because I don't know how serious we are, you know?"

He paused for a moment, taking in what I just said. 

"Lo, I want you and I'm taking this seriously. I don't wanna rush what we're doing. I'm gonna take this slow so our relationship is healthy. Because you're not like every other girl I've met. You're a woman with values and I can't let you go. I don't wanna just date you for the moment, I want you forever. And I'm not talking to anyone else, I'm not fucking anybody, I'm all about you." He told me sincerely and my heart fluttered at his words.

"Okay." I smiled sheepishly.

"Trust me, I'm gonna show you how much I value you. You're mine."

The food came a little after and we both cleaned off our plates.

"I have something to tell you, now." He told me and I nodded, telling him to continue. "I bought a house."

My mouth dropped open.

"So you just moving up in life, huh?" I joked. "When did you buy it?"

"Like two weeks ago. You're the first person I told."

"Ash doesn't know?" I asked and he shook his head. 

"I had to tell somebody so I told you." 

"Oh, well I'm really happy for you, Rah."

"Thank you, baby. I'm moving tomorrow. The place is already decorated and shit." He smiled widely, expressing his excitement. I smiled with him, enjoying his happiness.

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