Chapter 15

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I rolled around in the unfamiliar bed before I opened my eyes slowly. I knitted my eyebrows as everything from last night replayed in my mind. I instantly felt embarrassed by my behavior. The fact that I even remembered that shit, being that I was beyond drunk. Tizani and I didn't get to do the shit we wanted, we just got piss drunk. I remember saying some interesting things to Koffi last night. I don't know if it was because I was drunk or because that's how I truly felt.

That shit makes me never wanna be drunk again. I feel stupid and embarrassed. Like, I really just fucked up and he probably thinks I'm weird. We've flirted before but I never did shit like that. And now, I'm laying in his bed, in his big ass shirt. 

Pulling me was from my thoughts, the door slowly cracked opened and Koffi's head popped in. 

"Mornin'." His deep voice sounded the room. I quickly closed my legs that were sprawled across his bed.

"Your bed is really comfortable." I sat up slowly to face him.

"Yeah..." He trailed off. That's when it started to become awkward.

"I made some breakfast for you, by the way." 

I gradually made my way to the kitchen to see a plate of bagels, eggs, and turkey bacon. Rah leaned against the counter as he bit into his apple. There was a long, awkward silence between us before he spoke again.

"About last night," He started, making me look up at him. I was gonna say something but I let him finish. "I like you, Lo. And that shit is weird for me but I'm pretty sure you feel the same way. And I know you're gonna be busy with your shop and us being business partners-"

I cut him off right then and there. I could sense that he was gonna say let's just stay friends or let's keep it professional and I didn't want to embarrass myself like that. I already did too much last night and the level of embarrassment I would be at if I let him finish his sentence would make me want to disappear.

"Let's just be friends." I forced a smile. His face looked distraught for a moment before he fixed his face, showing his poker face. I went back to eating my food while his mouth was left agape.

"I-I agree." Was all he said before he left the kitchen. He came back moments later, dressed for work. "You working today?"

"Yeah. But, I need to take a shower and stuff." I told him and he nodded.

"I'll just drop you off at your place?"

"Mhm." I out the plate in the sink. "I'm ready." I told him and he raised an eyebrow.

"You're not going out like that." He shook his head as he headed to his bedroom and I followed him. "Ass out and shit." He mumbled to himself but I heard. 

He handed me sweatpants and I slipped them on, folding the waist part down. 

"Aight." He spoke. We left out and the car drive was pure silence. His energy seemed off but I ignored it. He sped to my place so fast, in only took about 15 minutes when it usually takes 30. 

"Thanks, Rah." I tried out my new nickname for him.

"No problem, Lo." He looked straight ahead, not bothering to make eye contact. I ignored his nasty attitude and left. I walked into the lobby and made my way up the elevator and to my penthouse. The house seemed to be empty so I turned on my music loudly and took a nice, long, hot shower. I put on my purple thin strap dress and I made my way back out the door.

Arriving at my shop, all of my friends gave me stares like I did something bad.

"Every time you're with Koffi, you're late to work." Melby pointed out with a sly smirk. Tizani was nowhere to be found and I figured she was drunk as shit. She  drank more than me. Dezi wasn't here either so it was really just Nelly, Ten, Mel, and Vanny.

"Melby, don't start your shit. You know you can't talk 'cause you and Vanny probably did some r-rated shit." I shot her a look and she immediately started blushing, telling me something really did happen.

I pulled her into my office and she just started talking.

"We went back to my place and we didn't have sex but he ate know." She blushed like crazy.

"You're a real cougar, Mel." I joked and she smacked her teeth. "Nah but, I'm happy for y'all. Took y'all about damn time."

"We're not even together yet, Tex." She slanted her lips and I sucked my teeth.




"Aight, what' up?" Latrell asked me. "You not even listenin' to me."

"My bad, I'm just agitated." I shook my head.

"Yeah, I can tell. Why, though?" He urged and I heavily sighed.

I was extremely upset with Texas. Here I was, about to pour my heart out to her and tell her how I wanted to give us a try and she completely shut me down. That shit really made me feel a type of way. I don't even know what I did wrong. I've never been turned down like that and it really threw me off. It got under skin because she's what I really want. And the fact that she's declined rubbed me the wrong way.

"Man, Texas keep playing with me. I was this close too asking her out and she literally friend zoned me. Shit's irritating." I sat back in my chair. "Advice, Trell?"

"I mean, you can't force anybody to be with you but she's probably afraid 'cause y'all been acting real close so I don't see why she wouldn't want you just as much as you want her. She' just hesitant." He explained and I nodded.

"You always have the best advice." I chuckled.

"Shit, my mom taught me right. That's how I got your sister." He smirked.

"Speaking of, where is she?"

"Oh, I put her to sleep." He spoke nonchalantly and I turned my lip up in disgust.

"Do not tell me that shit." I side-eyed him as I turned on the basketball game.

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