Chapter 29

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It's been a week since Tenni's terrible accident. He's still in a coma and the doctors won't tell us, but we know they're unsure about him waking up anytime soon. Nelly has been taking it hard lately and I'm not sure how much more she can take. I ended up breaking the news to Lavan and Nelly that our mother died. Lavan said he was fine and it didn't effect him but he's been quiet and trying to keep himself busy. Nelly cried in my arms for hours, wishing she had a chance to say one last thing. I'm more concerned for Vanny because he's holding in all of his emotions and that's not healthy. Nelly is going through a lot but she's handling it in a healthier manner. 

We agreed that it was only right for us to have a funeral. As much trouble my mom caused, she had a lot of people that loved her and did a lot for her. I didn't want to skip her having a funeral just because of our strong opinions about her. I already let her friends and family know and they said that they'd be there. I made sure to go through this funeral process quickly to it'd be over soon.

I've been staying at Koffi's house since Mel and I have been at odds. Koffi has been doing to most to make sure I was okay and taken care of. Between my nightmares, Tenni's accident, and my mom's death, it's been a lot. I'm still expected to focus on work which has been a struggle. Part of me just wants to keep it all in and maybe it'll go away and the other part of me just wants to cry in Koffi's arms. He's tried to have a heart-to-heart conversation with me about all of this but I'd shut down and change the subject. 

On a lighter note, Koffi is supposed to be opening Kappuccino by next week. Ash and I are beyond excited. We've put in hard work and done a lot to make it work and this became possible way sooner than we thought.

"You ready?" Koffi lightly pinched the inside of my thigh, dragging me out of my rapid thoughts. We were sitting in the car, right outside of the church. Today was my mother's funeral.

I looked down at my black dress and then over to Koffi.

"Yeah." I answered shortly and unbuckled my seatbelt. We exited the car and walked up to the crowded church. 

I recognized Nelly, Vanny, Teri, Zani, and Dezi standing outside. Mama Monique, Tizani's mom, was also here. I looked around and inspected the other faces around me. My Aunt Bel was here and her husband, Jerel. Some of her friends I noticed but I couldn't exactly remember all of their names. Though nobody has seen this lady in years, they all came to her funeral.

These people were all good people and I couldn't understand why my mom had to be the outlier.

"Hey, guys." I approached Nelly and them.

"Texas." They all pulled me in for a big embrace. I hugged them back but my face held a suspicious expression for a moment. 

Everybody finally headed inside the church and saw the casket towards the front. I went to the front to get one last look at her. She was frail and almost sickly-looking. I shook my head as tears filled my eyes. I shut the, tight and backed away from the casket. 

The pastor said a few words of scripture and the choir sang a few songs. I just couldn't wait until it was all over.

I noticed Vanny leave abruptly so I quickly followed after him. I was worried about him and I had yet to express that to him. By the time I got out there, he was sitting on the stairs.

"Vanny?" I called out to him and he turned around to look at me before turning right back around. I sat beside him and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"You know, it's okay to let out your emotions. Not everything has to be kept in." I spoke softly.

"I just don't know how to express what I'm feeling. It's all too much. I just don't wanna think about it. As much as she has wronged me, I can't help but to miss her. Just knowing that she's was aliveness was like a comfort, even if I didn't talk to her." He responded.

"That's okay, Vanny. It's okay to grieve and feel this pain. You don't have to talk me but but I want you to heal. You can't keep this all in." I told him.

"Isn't that what you're doing?" He questioned and I looked at him. "You haven't been talking to anyone about it. Koffi can't even get through to you. You won't let anyone in, Texas. Stop trying to be everyone's hero and take care of yourself for once. You have to talk to someone too."

"You're right." I sighed.

"And I heard about you and Mel's fight." He switched the subject and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, what you said was right. She's so jealous of everything I have and she's accusing me of growing, I guess. I don't really understand why she'd be so mad that I'm happy. And I'm already looking for new employees because I know she's gonna quit. Plus, you and Zani are leaving by the end of the year."

"Aight, well you know I'm here for you. But, I won't be home tonight." He informed me and I raised my eyebrows. Lavan is very much to himself and antisocial.

"Where you gonna be at, Lavan Samal Daniels? You got a girlfriend?" I inquired as he smirked.

"Something like that. Just know she special." He kept it short and I pushed him playfully. I threw my arm around his shoulder and leaned my head on him.

"I love you always." I told him.

"I love you to-" Vanny's sentence was cut off when we heard a car door slam shut. We looked up to see a truck and a tall figure coming out of it.

"Who is that?" I spoke out loud, squinting to see who it was.

"Holy shit." Vanny stood to his feet, causing me to do the same. He knew who it was but I still couldn't see clearly enough to know. As he got closer, his face became more recognizable.

"Son and daughter." He spoke. My stomach dropped as he got closer. There was no fucking way.

"Why the fuck are you here?!" I got loud really quick.

"Tex-" He tried to speak but I didn't allow it.

"You've done absolutely nothing for this family or your wife so you may leave." I told him and he just stood there, unemotional.

I guess me being loud made everyone come out. Koffi came up behind me to my defense.

"You're nothing to me. You're a fucking deadbeat." I got up in his face and Koffi swiftly pulled me back. "Fuck you!"

Koffi then picked me up and carried me to the car, practically throwing me in the passenger seat, I tried to fight him off but he was no match for me.

"That was your father?" He asked for confirmation and I nodded as I breathed heavily.

"Fuck him." 

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