Chapter 12

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"Okay, so here's my invitation to y'all." Tizani started.

She had us all sitting down in my shop so she could announce her birthday plans.

"Actually, let me wait 'cause my cousin is supposed to be here soon." She rolled her eyes at the fact that Koffi was late. We were on our lunch break so the tattoo shop was closed for 45 minutes. 

Koffi and I's friendship has gotten stronger since the whole thing with Nelly and Ten. He handled it well and took me away before my anger got the best of me. Ten got the job at Kaffeine and he was working there now. Ten hasn't come around since then. He probably feels like he isn't welcome. I wanted to apologize to him for slapping him but my pride was stopping me. Nelly has been keeping her distance too. She's been staying with me but she'd stay away from me. She told Vanny about it and he asked me about it. He said he understands both sides but we needed to stop being childish and talk.

Which was true.

I was hungry as shit. I forgot my lunch right on the got damn counter. I didn't have time to go back and get it and Nelly needed to borrow my car. Against my better judgment, I let her borrow it. I would've gone back during lunch but by the time Nelly comes back, I'll have 10 minutes left which is not enough time.

5 minutes later, Koffi came in with a bag of food.

"Hey, y'all." He spoke to everyone before coming over to me. Everyone watched as he came over to me. 

"I brought you a sandwich." He handed me the bag and I couldn't hide my smile. I texted him about how upset I was. So, he brought me some food. The sandwich hit different too.

"Thank you." I told him as he sat next to me. Zani came around the corner, seeing that Koffi was here now.

"Great, now let me get through what I was gonna say- Pause, where's Nelly? She's a part of this too." Tizani rolled her eyes again. We were all impatiently waiting for Zani to get over with her speech. Even though, Nelly and Ten 

We waited another 10 minutes before Nelly came back...with Ten.

"Finally! Sit down and listen to my announcement." Zani threw her hands up in annoyance before continuing with her speech. "So, as you all know, my birthday is on Friday and we're going to the new club, Nighttime. The rules are to dress in black and something maroon. The party starts at 11 pm so be there sharp. Also, you may not come without a date. I know all y'all niggas boo'd up so come as a couple. Carpool, do whatever the fuck and save the planet. Thanks." She went back into her cubicle.

"We waited all that time, to hear that shit? It coulda been sent in a text." Mel looked irritated. 

They all started bickering about Zani being annoying. They were complaining about her but they love her anyway. That's just how she is.

I stood up, taking Koffi's hand. I pulled him into my office. 

"What you up to?" He asked me and I shrugged as kneeled in front of the full-body mirror I put in the corner of my office.

"I don't have anything else to do for the day," I told him and he nodded.

"Have you talked to Nelly or Ten?" He leaned against my desk and looked at me through the mirror.

"Nope," I said, popping the p. "I'm going to. I just haven't yet."

He hummed in response and we fell into a comfortable silence. I fełt him staring at me as I fixed my hair.

"You love staring," I mumbled, making eye contact with him through the mirror.

"You're sexy." He blurted out. I stood up slowly and made my way over to where he stood. I placed my hands on his beard and he grabbed me by my waist, pressing me right against him.

"Are you taking me to the party?" I asked him softly, my voice barely above a whisper. I was trying to control myself.

"Of course." He held my face in his hands.

Don't kiss him. Don't kiss him. Don't kiss him.

He leaned in and I slipped out of his grip.

"This is my business place." I reasoned. He chuckled a little as he got ready to propose his next question.

"You wanna cornrow my hair for the party?" My face lit up when he asked me that.

"Yessss." I dragged. "It's gonna look so pretty." I put my hands together.

He always wore his hair in a Afro.


"Be gentle, damn." Koffi told me as I combed out his hair. 

Maybe if he ever detangled his hair, we wouldn't have this problem.

"I'm almost done." I mumbled as I combed out the last section. 

After I was done with that, he calmed down and I parted his hair to do the parts. I added a few zigzags to make it look extra fancy. 

I nearly jumped when Koffi started rubbing my thighs as I braided his hair. He's been acting real interesting lately. 

I couldn't deny that I felt some type of way but I thought we were just friends. I finished his hair, quickly. I wasn't able to take what he was doing for much longer.

"Okay, I'm done." I tapped his shoulder and handed him the mirror. He inspected his hair and a smile spread across his face.

"You like it?" I cracked a smile.

"Hell yeah. You doing my hair from now on."

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