Chapter 22

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"What we going shopping for again?" I asked Latrell. We were walking around the mall and I wasn't even sure what we were here for in the first place. We'd been here for at least an hour and a half, just walking the fuck around. I could tell there was something on his mind and that's why he was stalling.

"I need to get something for your sister..." He trailed off. I looked over to him and he kept looking straight. I wanted to know what he was talking about but I didn't respond. We continued to walk around until I got fed up with this shit. I'd rather be at home instead of walking in circles. This nigga done dragged me out the house to waste my time.

"Nigga, what the fuck are we here for?" I stopped walking.

"Does Ashlynne wanna marry me?" He blurted out and my eyes went wide for a second. I was taken back for a second because as I didn't think he would flat-out ask me about that shit.

"To be honest with you? No, she doesn't." I finally answered. His face dropped in disappointment. "It's not that she don't love you, 'cause she does. She just likes taking things extremely slow. But, what I do know is y'all anniversary is coming up and she definitely wants to celebrate that."

Ashlynne has expressed to me numerous times that she didn't wanna be married so young. She always felt that marriage was somewhat a burden on her. She felt like she wouldn't have the same freedom she has now. Which was bullshit to me but what do I know?

And I definitely wasn't going to tell that to Trell.

Trell never made her feel like she couldn't do her own thing. Shit, they barely even spend time together. They both hate physical touch and being in each other's space and yet, their relationship works. They love being individuals and independent but when they're together they thrive.

So, I'm not sure why they wouldn't get married. That's not my business, though.

He stayed silent for the most part but we ended up going into a jewelry store. He bought her a necklace and bracelet set and proceeded to "look" at the rings. 

I knew he wasn't upset about my response and I felt bad. But, I'd rather him know the truth instead of going through all that work to propose to her. He ended up cutting are outing short and told me to drop him off at his house.

I ended up going back home where I belong. I hated being out the house.

I took a quick shower so that I could lay in my bed and watch whatever I felt like at the moment. As soon as I got comfortable in my bed, my phone rang loudly. I answered it, seeing that it wasn't 'scam likely.'

"Hello?" I answered but I heard nothing on the other line. I hung up answering moments later the same number called me back. "What the fuck?" I mumbled to myself.

"Hello" I spoke agitatedly this time, thinking someone was prank calling or some stupid ass shit.

"Hi, son." The deep voice spoke, instantly triggering me. 

"What?" I spat.



"So, what's up with you and Mel?" I sat down next to Lavan. I was currently in his room, making myself busy. For once, I had free time and I was bored. 

I was supposed to spend time with Koffi later on but until then I had to occupy myself. I wasn't near my phone right now. That's how bored I am. At this point, I was sick of all the shit on my phone. 

I sat in his swivel chair and spun myself around as I waited for him to answer my question.

"Nothing, really. I don't think I wanna her anymore." He revealed, making me gasp.

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