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» "I just wanna talk to the demons!" «

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   "Miss Mycroft, please sit down."

   You bit your lip and cursed under your breath. So close. Slowly sliding back into your seat you watched longingly as the rest of your classmates filed out. None sparing a glance back at you. Keeping a tight grip on your messenger back you took in an annoyed breath before forcing out a polite tone.

   "Yes, Mister Lennon?"

   The teacher stood before you sighing. Taking the papers in his hands he dropped it in front of you, the paper making a sharp sound after hitting the wood so roughly. The grade on it was just above average. The words "points removed" scribbled under it. You knew the reason for it, if you had just turned it in on time maybe you would have gotten a perfect score. Removing his glasses he rubbed in between his eyes, showing how tired he truly was. "You're a good student, Mycroft." Your leg started bouncing, knowing that tone of voice you prepared for a lecture—slightly cringing in the process. "But I can't keep accepting these late assignments."

   Placing his glasses back on the professor leaned back away from the table, "Your work is impressive. The quality and quantity is a perfect balance and you never cease to amaze me. However this is the seventh time you've turned in a late assignment." His brows creased, "I don't know what's going on in your personal life, but please take this into consideration. I really don't want to fail you." Your heart stung at those words, your hands clenched onto the bag strap. You couldn't fail.

   The man's face morphed into a sympathetic expression, "You're my best student, so please get some rest and take your work more seriously." He scolded lightly, similar to how one would scold a child. Suddenly finding interest in your shoes you kept your head down embarrassed. "Okay?" Shoulders slumping you swallowed shakily and mumbled back, "Okay.."

   Wandering back to his desk he waved his hand while facing away. "That's all, you're free to go." With that you stood up quickly, grabbing the last of your books on the table and stuffing them into your bag. Rushing out of the room you kept a straight face and didn't spare a glance to the professor. You rather not have him see the shame on your face. But hey, it wasn't your fault your assignments were late! You had things to do, work, visiting your brother on the weekends, and well..you didn't sleep—like ever. It's not like you wanted to fail. Quick the opposite actually, but with how hectic your schedule was, it was becoming difficult and definitely started to take a toll on your health. Mental and physical.

   'At this point I'm just welcoming death to come and sweep me off my feet.'

   Stepping out into the hallway you heaved out a sigh, tugging your coat closer to your form. To stop yourself from wallowing in your negative thoughts you took your phone from your pocket to check the time. Your shift at the GameStop in town started in an hour and a half, just about enough time it would take you to walk there.

   Pushing open the doors, the wind pushed against your face. The early October frost bit at your cheeks and fingers. Your shoulders relaxed, as amazing this weather was you were not fond of getting frostbite. Thank god the dorms had heaters.

   Although you enjoyed your job for the most part, you were not in the mood to sit behind a counter for hours on end and patiently explain to some kids that they couldn't purchase "doom" without their parents permissions today. Especially not after the day you had. First you woke up late, had to book it to class to make it on time, you didn't have time to make breakfast, you tripped over nothing on your way to class—in front of some of your classmates who did not help you up, you could barely stay awake during the lesson, and finally your teacher politely threatened to fail you.

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