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» "Please haunt me! I'm begging you to haunt me!" «

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   "So..it's like drugs?" You grinned as Luca perfected the lines; unsurprisingly seeing as Be More Chill was one of his and yours favorite musicals. Even though he didn't understand a lot of the references from the musicals, he talked about them a lot. Sometimes he even acted like his own age when talking about it, making you forget his actual personality and life. The instrumental of the squip song played softly from your phone that lay in your pocket. Watching Luca balance on the edge of the sidewalk you turned to face him and dramatically spread out your hands, "It's better than drugs, Jeremy."

   Both of you struck a pose before yelling out childishly into the quiet rundown neighborhood, "IT'S FROM JAPAAAAN!" Mimicking Rich's movements to the best of your ability(seeing as you had the choreography for the song imprinted into your mind) you began walking again while moving your hands, "It's a gray oblong pill," Eyeing Luca your smile widened as he tried copying your movements, "Quantum nano-technology CPU.."

   Dropping your hands you poked the short boy's forehead, "The quantum computer in the pill will travel through your blood until~" Gesturing to your own head you tapped it, "It implants in your brain and tells you what to do.." Luca energetically pretended to be holding a microphone before he sung along, "Tells you what to doooooo!"

   The music from your phone rose in volume as you bounced with your step, "It's preprogrammed!" Raising his fists into the air the small brunette's voice became a pitch higher, "It's amazing!" Placing the back of your hand to your forehead you closed your eyes, "Speaks to you directly!" Luca leaned on you, "You behave as!" "It's appraising! Helps you act correctly!" You hummed contently before letting Luca finish, "Helps you to be coooool!" Jogging a bit to be in front of you he spun around and threw up his arms, "It helps you ruuule!"

   Looking past your little brother you kept your smile up but the light in your eyes dulled at the familiar house. Chipped blue paint, dying yellowed grass, old  creaky wooden stairs, the house looked as dead on the outside as it was on the inside. Luca being fueled on by the buzz from the music failed to notice your reluctance to step near the house, but you forced yourself to. It was for Luca after all. Quietly you reached into your pocket and turned off your phone silencing the music, glancing over at the still walk-dancing boy. He was humming the next lyrics to himself. Reaching over you placed your hand atop his head and messed up his hair leading him to giggle and swat your hand.

   Luca..how would you describe him? He was basically the light of your life and the reason you had goals to reach. He didn't have it as hard as you did growing up but the environment he was surrounded by at home wasn't good by any means either. Being a shut-in most his life, seeing as your father and his mother didn't bother sending him to school when they had you to teach him until you went to college, he wasn't the best when it came to people skills. You nearly cried tears of joy when he was finally enrolled into school and made his first friend. Secretly you wished the more he spent time with kids his age the more he might start maturing in a sense, he wasn't exactly the most teenage acting thirteen year old. Nothing wrong with that of course but it did worry you slightly, to the point you wondered if his mental growth may had been weakened due to the horrible environment, not like you could even get it checked with the parental figures he had. It made your heart hurt, but you had to focus on the positives.

   Looking away back at the house you swallowed down whatever anxiety and hatred began to bubble in your chest. Walking across the lawn and up the small steps you reached the door and knocked on it reluctantly. Luca held your hand swinging it, you chuckled lightly before crouching to be at his level. "You gonna be alright by yourself, buddy?" Flashing a toothy grin the middle schooler gave two thumbs up. Sighing through your nose you squished his face between your hands making him whine, "Well if you ever need, I'm just a call away."

𝗛𝗲𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀Where stories live. Discover now