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» "Shadows do tend to follow you though. That's sort of how they work." «

short chapter 🧍
but yes I am alive I promise I'm good <3

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

   It wouldn't go away.

   It wouldn't go away.

   Was this some kind of cruel joke?

   Gagging, he spat into the sink again.

   He barred his teeth in disdain, his tongue stung with that heavy taste. It was overwhelming and he hated it. He wanted it gone.

   His shoulders felt heavy as he sighed and leaned over the sink, messing with his curls. His claws tugged at his tangled mop of his hair which resembled a birds nest from how much he was pulling at it.

   Groaning he stood back up straight. His stomach cramped with stabbing pains of hunger. He needed to eat, but the thought made him nauseous. He couldn't eat when that taste still lingered.

   It made him disgusted.

   It tasted like guilt and shame and it was eating him alive.

After rinsing his mouth out for the...well he lost count of how many times he had rinsed his mouth out. Wiping his face with the back of his hand his face twisted with a strained expression. It still lingered.

Moving out from the bathroom he sloppily threw his mask back on, clipping the back of it while shuffling through the dark hallways. Despite the fact no one ever cleaned the place; it somehow remained spotless and overall clean. The only thing that didn't somehow magically repair or clean itself was the lights which were constantly dimmed.

His ears flicked towards the sounds of people talking and steered clear of wherever it was coming from. His brows scrunched together at the familiar sound of heels approaching him, he was well aware even he wouldn't be able to outrun the woman who had apparently left to chase him down.


His ears flattened but he turned his head behind him towards her voice and drawled on blandly,

"Jane, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Her naturally blacked out eyes narrowed, she was scrutinizing him. Sighing she stopped a few feet away from him with her arms crossed.

"Drop the sarcasm, will you? I only want to talk."

He twitched irritated, "Can it wait?"

"That depends on you," she pursed her lips, "but frankly I don't think it can."

He knew what she was going to try to get at so he shook his head and slid a hand up his mask to massage under his sockets.

"I'm fine, Jane, alright?"

She frowned at the aggression in his tone. Yes, Jack was sarcastic and not exactly a people-person, but even then Jack was more than polite with people he cared about. Jane was the obligatory mom friend, and Jack wasn't an exception to that. However she wasn't surprised at the hostility even though the demon seemed to shock himself with how he was speaking to her.

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