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» "One of my greatest fears, I think I've said this before, is that someone will trick me into doing heroin." «

*the urge to add habit from everymanhybrid to the story is strong🧍*

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   Sitting up in bed, you groggily munched on a cookie, still half asleep. Your eyes stung and your head was pounding. You weren't hungover, no, just feeling the symptoms of after someone literally spiked your drink. Damn college kids.

   You didn't remember a thing about getting home or taking off your jacket. However, you figured Lizzie gave you a ride, but when you went to text her a thanks, it showed you already had a conversation with her. Apparently Theo had taken you home.

   When the hell was Theo there?

   Apparently Lizzie asked the same thing, but he just replied with he only stopped by, went to say hi to her and saw her panicking and put two and two together. The texting style was similar to Theo's put still you didn't quite believe that.

   Sure your memory was fuzzy, but you knew damn well Theo had not been there. You could faintly remember someone bringing you home, but who? That's where you blanked.

   Instead of worrying about it like a rational person, you just decided you'd stay in bed until your headache died down. So here you were, eating cookies you found on your bedside and scrolling through Instagram. Lovely.

   Your page wasn't much, and of course it was private. Few pictures of art in progress. A picture of Luca from a few years back, holding up a pumpkin. A photo of Luigi with glasses on, and a picture of you flipping off a pigeon that stole your hotdog. The last one was taken by Lizzie.

You hadn't posted anything in months, and honestly you weren't planning to. You kept your life on the internet discreet for the most part. You may be open, but not open on the internet. Personal stuff, is what you meant. Unlike a lot of people, you didn't want people knowing your trauma and ways to possibly hurt you.

However if they doxxed you, that was another story. Since well, you didn't care about that. No one was dumb enough to come after you, even if they had your address. Most people were just trolls anyway.

   Noticing a notification, you tapped on it only to show someone was requesting to follow you. You didn't recognize the user, or the profile picture. The user sounded like something a preppy teenage girl would make. 'Notebooksbestfriend'. How cute. Their title name even had the cute bow emoji and a bunch of hearts and skull emojis as well. Very pastel-punk themed. Despite the cuteness, you still rejected the request. It was a little weird anyway.

   Unable to find anything interesting, you clicked off the app and shoved another cookie in your mouth. Damn they were good.

   Scrolling down to your text messages, your eye caught a number.


   You almost forgot you had gotten his number.

   What a pleasant surprise!

𝗛𝗲𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀Where stories live. Discover now