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» "Yeah, that rings a bell or two, that shakes a tambourine." «

*mentions of spiking drinks*

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

Laying upside down on the sofa, you pressed your lips together while holding the phone to your ear. Class had ended, which led to you now staring at the clock while on call with Lizzie. Tonight was the party she had invited you to, and still you were unsure about your decision.

"I don't know Lizzie.."

Biting on the inside of your cheek, you rolled over to sit upright, "I don't even know Michael..and besides I don't think I even have nice clothes." You paused, "That aren't in the laundry."

"You don't have to go cherry, if it's gonna make you uncomfortable don't go. I'll be fine." Despite her reassurance you could hear a hint of disappointment. You really didn't want to go, but you also really didn't want to leave her. Lizzie had put up with a lot of your antics, so it would only be fair to put up with this one thing, wouldn't it?

Picking at the hem of your sweater, your brows furrowed. "I..no, I don't want to leave you alone." Shaking your head, you stood up, "No, no, I'll go, it'll be fun. I need to be more social anyway, right?" Chuckling, you sauntered into your room and dug through your closet. Might as well try to find something presentable, seeing as it would be a bit disrespectful to go wear a coffee stained sweater and sweatpants.

"Are you sure?" Lizzie made a suspicious hum. Grinning, you pulled out a random shirt, "I'm sure, Liz." Again she made a long suspicious hum, before giving in. You could hear the smile in her voice, "Okay, but if you ever get uncomfortable, we'll leave right away, okay?"

Throwing the shirt on your bed you lazily waddled over to the dresser to pull out pants. "Okay, mom. When does the party start?"

A small excited squeal came from the other side of the phone, before Lizzie cleared her throat.

"It starts at six thirty, I'll come pick you up."

Lips twitching upward, you nodded despite her not being able to see you. "Alright, I'll see you soon then. I gotta go find nice clothes."

She laughed and shook her head, well you assumed she did, "Ahh, I need to get going anyway. I'll be there around six twenty, so be ready." She paused, and you could hear clinking of keys, "And.. thanks for agreeing to come, [Y/n], I mean it."

Placing the pants down, you just waved your hand, "It's no problem Liz. It'll be fun."

Again she chuckled, "You're right. Alright well, I'll see you soon. Bye bye cherry!" Her voice was followed by kissing noises, to which you giggled and returned. "Byeeee!"

As soon as the call ended, you threw your phone down on your bed and let out a long tired sigh. Plopping face first on the bed beside your phone and new clothes, you spoke, muffled by the blanket.

   "I'm so dumb."

   You laid there for a while, before finally groaning and getting up. Picking up the shirt, you pursed your lips. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't nice. It was a simple long sleeved black sweater, which you would throw a red jacket over to make it look more "fashionable". The pants were just dark jeans. Nothing special, but nothing horrendous. You changed rather quickly, but didn't bother putting on makeup since nothing would hide the bags under your eyes anyway.

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