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» "I'm gonna buy you one of those for Christmas." «

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

get on tf2 i need a teammate -

Squinting at the bright screen, it didn't matter that it was on dark mode the light still hurt, the blond frowned. It had been a while since he got to take an actual break and do what he wanted; no thanks to anyone he lived with.

Seriously, why did he always have to clean up everyone else's messes just because they were too stupid to do so? He could care less if they got caught! It would serve them right for having it all pushed onto him.

That didn't even cover half of his workload however, considering he had his own "assignments" to get done. Along with some favors seemingly everyone decided to cash in. And people wondered why he was always so grumpy.

   Of course that didn't even begin to explain his other annoyances, either in general or due to specific circumstances. For example, the one with his beloved friend. While yes it was great that Jack and Toby kept you company in his absence, he would like to remind them that he was your friend first. Not them. They didn't know even half of the things about you that he did. So it would be wonderful if they could politely keep their hands to themselves and piss off.

   He was the official best friend here.

   He wrinkled his nose at the lack of response.

wake up -
wake up -
wake up -
wake up -
wake up -
wake up -

   He had an auto clicker and was not afraid to use it.

- its 2 am

Huh. He nearly forgotten that he changed your name on his phone.

2:35 actually -
so get up and play with me -
I finally have time off work -
don't ruin this >:( -

Your text bubble popped up then disappeared a few times.

I will dox you -

- no you wouldn't

That response was rather quick.

Can you at least pretend to take my threats seriously? -

- nah
- maybe when you come up with better ones

🫠 -
loser -
anybody else would be at least a little concerned -

- bubba if i ever got concerned over your silly little scare tactics I would have never talked to you in the first place

He pursed his lips.

that doesn't count -

𝗛𝗲𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀Where stories live. Discover now