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» "We don't got all night, dork!" «

me making the characters as being very complex and so so loving and connected and emotional and there being so many hidden messages but not knowing how to truly get that across and fighting the urge to just rant about it: AEUGH

Also I'd like to mention that most of the creepypastas, their backstories may be slightly edited to fit with the story and or headcanons.
(For example a completely rewritten character is Nina, because I think she deserves better </3)

short chapter

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He waited until the older man disappeared back inside the building before approaching cautiously. When he sat down beside you, you were digging your foot into a dead cigarette. Knees touching, you didn't react to his presence besides a brief side glance.

   You picked at your nails bitterly. Eleanor, Luca's mother, got kicked out as well, but she waited in the car for your father instead of sitting outside. Your father being the only one allowed in for the time being had to handle all the medical documents and discussions revolving around Luca's condition. He said he's update you about it later, and then left.

Squeezing the bottle in his gloves, Toby opened his mouth a few times before realizing he didn't know what to say. Not like you saw his hesitance, he still had the mask. After a moment, he just, side-hugged you. Leaned you into his side and held you, his chin resting atop your head as your shoulders slacked.

He would never admit to you that he felt selfishly happy when you leaned into him. He wasn't as unaware as he presented himself to be, of course he wasn't. Do you really think he'd be a proxy if he wasn't good at putting up facades? Toby was many things, but stupid was far from any of his defining traits.

   He was selfish, possessive, arrogant, manipulative, prone to anger, and well aware of that. It didn't make him feel bad though, even if he knew it should. Something which he found funny as he contrasted with Jack in that way. He would be lying if he said he didn't admire the eyeless demon. The ability he had to keep up appearances, for one, and well several other things. Jack was well known, or well known as EJ, but no one really knew him. There was a sense of professionalism that other "pastas" (a nickname Toby picked up from Sally) admired him for, wether it was real or not.

   Jack had been "indoctrinated" a bit after Toby, though maybe that's because Toby first joined when he was in middle school. Ah how the years fly by! When Jack was first introduced, no one really knew how long he had been EJ beforehand. He didn't reveal much of anything about himself, and made a habit of staying away from anyone else apart of the bloody "club" they were all apart of.

   Not like that stopped Toby from trying to befriend him. Toby prided himself a bit on his ability of being able to track the demon down, though the more he thought about it, the more obvious it became Jack was allowing him to do so. They always had a weird relationship going on. Jack never seemed bothered by Toby's presence, but he certainly wouldn't go searching for him on his own time; and Toby was fine with that! At least he didn't stab him if he got too annoying, unlike Jeff. Even when Toby randomly wanted to fight him! Sure he almost never won these random spars, but Jack never found these attempt's infuriating, maybe annoying at most but still.

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