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» "I got a little defensive there!" «

// ⚠️ topics such as child neglect ⚠️ //
coughs, sorry it's short I ran out of creativity D;

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Luca sat at the table scribbling away on the coloring assignment he was given at school. You sat across the table finishing your homework. Occasionally you'd look up and tell him to eat the snack given to him by one of Theodore's fathers.

Each time, Luca would pick a cracker from the plate and eat it without any retaliation. He didn't know where your friend or his family members were at the moment. You said something along the lines of Theodore needing to go to soccer practice with his father Louis, while his dad, Henri, unpacked the groceries in the kitchen. You didn't know where his siblings were though.

Luca enjoyed going to Theodore's house. It was big and clean. Besides, Theo's family was nice. His fathers always greeted the two of you with open arms. Luca never fully understood why the two of you would stay there for a few days on end, but he never complained. He enjoyed it.

He didn't question the looks on the two adults' faces whenever they came over with bags, nor did he question when Louis would pull you aside to ask some questions. You always looked tired when you took Luca and yourself over. Despite that though, you always smiled down at him and reassured everything was alright when he asked.

Flipping the page over, Luca put down his crayon and reached for his pencil. He could read and write better than anyone in his class, mostly since he had you and the DuBois family to help him, which impressed his kindergarten teacher very much. Just remembering the surprised look on her face made him swell with pride.

Now that's not to say he didn't have trouble at times, but he certainly didn't struggle as much as the other six year olds. Swinging his legs under the dining room chair Luca pursed his lips.

"What's up Lu?"

He looked up to meet your questioning gaze. You had noticeable bags under your eyes and you overall had a somewhat sickly look. However your expression stayed soft and you kept a small grin. That was enough to make Luca smile brighter.

"I dunno what to put for this one." He pointed at a question on his paper.

Reaching over the table, the twelve year old you took the paper carefully and scanned over the assignment. His writing from other questions was sloppy, but getting better.

"This one's simple Lu." You slid the paper back over to him, "It's asking to put your mom's name."

Picking up your own pencil again, you looked back down at your math homework, "Your mom's name is Eleanor."

Luca pulled a weird expression.

"But...aren't you my mom?"

There was a pause. You had stopped writing, and lifted the pencil from the page slightly. He watched as you blinked slowly, registering his words.

You looked up. The grin from before had slipped from your face.


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