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» "Feel free to sliver into my heart!" «

tumblr: unstableplague
insta: twistednostalgia/nostalgicwritings

so...y'all seen the mw2 edits?

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"Luca, go sit up front."

Despite the boy's need to protest, he obeyed and moved to the passengers seat, taking the large husky with him. Smile was a little surprised how easily Luca picked him up.

Swallowing thickly, the boy hid his face in the dog's fur. Mindlessly he ran his fingers through the demonic husky's knotted fur; anxiously shrinking into his seat.

"We have to take her to a hospital."

Lizzie helped you into the back of the car. Dizzy and unable to understand too much of what was happening you sighed and simply shut your eyes, leaning your head back.

"No," Toby's head jerked to the side in a painful looking manner as he spoke, his limbs were jittery, more than usual showing his anxiety, "No, the hos-his-hos—"

Frustrated, Toby smacked himself causing Lizzie to jump and gasp, "Hospital, won't hel-help."

Tugging at the mask around his mouth Toby looked away and shook his head, "The be-est, we can do—do is get her—er to re-rest."

"What?!" Lizzie shriek-hissed, "Are you serious?! She is vomiting blood! That is fuckin' hospital worthy!"

Massaging in between your eyes you made a sound of disagreement. Your friend glared at you, though it was filled with concern.

"You shush, you aren't even coherent enough to speak."

With that she turned back to the brunette who was getting just as equally frustrated, if not evident by the agitated twitch attacking his one eye.

Luca looked away from the two who were arguing and instead over to his sibling, you. A frown tugged at his lips and a watery feeling rose in his eyes. The dog in his lap followed the movement and stuck his snout out towards you.

Reaching over Luca tapped your knee. Grimacing you rolled your head over to the side and cracked open an eye. Keeping a hand to your forehead, you managed a weak grin.

Swallowing the urge to cough again, you took his smaller hand (with your not blood stained hand) and rubbed your thumb over his knuckles comfortingly. Your brother frowned and laid his head atop the husky's(who was also staring at you with a strange look in his eyes; somewhere in your hazy mind you recognized the canine).

"I'm fine bud," you croaked, feeling disgust rise in your throat at the taste of metal staining your tongue.

He didn't believe you but merely brushed off what he wanted to say instead replacing it with a blunt comment, "Your teeth are red."

Chuckling you covered your mouth with your free hand and ran your tongue over your teeth with disdain.

"So they are." Closing your eyes again, the sight of colors making your headache worse, you hummed in a light-hearted manner, "Do they at least look cool?"

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