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» "My demons are chasing me and they're doing the Naurto run!" «

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   Sitting on one end of the couch sat a very happy college student—you, with an equally happy and smug dog sprawled out in your lap, head resting on your chest and paw over the arm that was petting him. The dog's eyes were scrunched up and a sly smile was on his face, he wasn't even hiding it since he knew you were to invested into the show to see.

   On the other side sat a very grumpy demon who was glaring holes into the animal's head. Jack wasn't sure if he was angry because of Smile mocking him or because you had defended the damn thing. You even had the audacity to call him rude for trying to get Smile to leave. He could practically hear all the snide remarks the dog was making just from his facial expressions. It was a odd how well they seemed to understand one another despite speaking out loud, luckily for them you didn't notice nor care. Thank the show Ratched for being so good.

   'I didn't take you for being one to make friends..' The husky's ears twitched, '..especially not human ones.'

   Gripping the arm of the couch the other grit his teeth, 'If you tell anyone about her existence, I promise you that you will be praying that God would help you.'

   'Relax.' The dog rolled his eyes, 'I don't plan on telling anyone, not when this human has been so kind.' Tilting his head slightly Smile huffed through his nose, 'Besides this whole..ordeal is funny. I wonder..do you plan to get anything from this?'

   Closing his eyes the dog leaned into the hand that was scratching behind his ear, 'It is unlike you to spare someone—or not take anything from them.' Anything referring to kidneys. The demon just stared at him for he didn't have a real answer. Opening his eyes, Smile stared back, patiently waiting.

   'She is strange...not like other victims.' He tensed awkwardly and looked up over at you before glaring back at the dog, 'She isn't afraid, despite knowing what I am.' It was the best explanation he could give, for he wasn't entirely sure the full reason. 'Besides it's nicer to have a civil conversation that doesn't involve crude behavior.' Smile's grin seemed to struggle like he was holding back a laugh, knowing entirely what Jack meant. Their coworkers weren't always the polities and the daily antics definitely left a massive headache for those who weren't so insane or chaotic.

   'So she knows then? That you are..'
   'A criminal? A demon? Yes. Though I don't know if she entirely believes me.'

   Grip on the arm of the couch faltering, Jack rested back. 'I don't know what I'm doing, but just don't tell anyone about her existence.' Smile stared at him for a long period of time, causing the demon to groan inwardly, 'Please.'

  The dog's tail started wagging slowly, 'I won't.'

   The demon practically sagged in his seat in relief. On the other hand, the mutt wasn't done, 'However..'

   Smile's grin dropped and he regained the 'innocent puppy facade', '..You should be careful. You seem adamant on keeping her out of everything but..you may end up getting her tangled in our mess further.'

𝗛𝗲𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀Where stories live. Discover now