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» "Cops in the 70s were like, oh you just killed someone? You got 20 bucks?" «

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   Cradling your cup of hot chocolate, you stared blankly at the pouting pink haired boy in front of you. You remembered he told you that he dyed his hair for breast cancer awareness, seeing as one of his older sisters had found out she had it. Luckily, she was getting treated which soothed his nerves. "Girl, if you were gonna be late you should have texted me." Rolling your eyes, you sipped your drink, "I was a minute late, Theo."

   Leaning his upper half on the table, he dramatically sprawled his arms out towards you, "You know how I am with time!" He whined, "Besides, with all the murders going on, can you blame me for being antsy?" Putting your foam cup down, you poked the back of his pale hand, "Theo, you worry too much. I'm fine, see?" Sighing, you grinned softly, "I appreciate your concern, but I'm okay."

   Picking his head back up, he puffed out his cheeks, "Still. You and Lizzie are both so reckless sometimes," sighing, he sat back up, "and I worry about your safety. Some of those recent ones have been pretty damn close to your campus." Furrowing his brows, his brown eyes turned to steel with seriousness, "So seriously, be careful."

   Looking back into his eyes, you were silent for a moment. Ah, if only he knew all that you'd been up to. You adored your friend dearly, and knew he was only looking out for you, but he could worry a lot sometimes. It was normal to be worried in this type of situation, but this wasn't the first time Theo had been on your back about safety. You could handle yourself, and he knew that. Or maybe you were just still uncomfortable to a slight degree whenever someone showed excessive concern for your well-being. That was definitely a factor. Lips drawing thin, you scratched your cheek before sighing,

   "Sometimes I swear you treat me like your little sisters." Before he could say anything, you put your hand up, "But I promise, I'll be careful. I always am, aren't I?" He raised a brow, which caused your lips to twitch, "Nevermind, don't answer that."

   His face still kept a concerned look, but eventually he gave up and shook his head. Leaning back in his seat, which displayed his denim jacket that had several pins on it, he crossed his arms. Most of the pins were different musicals, while one was a pin with a cat on it, and one had stripes with the colors green, white, black and gray.

   "Well then, moving on. Anything fun happen recently?" His once saddened look morphed into a big grin and light filled eyes. Shoulders sagging in relief at the atmosphere change, you shrugged, "Ehh, not really. I mean, I guess I met a few new people." Looking away, you scratched your cheek again. One may be thinking, what an odd thing to bring up! But then again, you are an awkward young adult with many issues, and Theo was one of the few people who knew about said issues. So him, being the lovely friend he is, always encouraged you to be more social, to try and well..get better at being around people. For the most part, your social skills had increased by a lot, yet part of it still wasn't genuine. Which is why Theo was there to help.

   At the comment, Theo leaned forward, his grin turning into a smile. "You did? Ooo, I'm so proud." Shrinking into your coat, you swat at him embarrassed, "God you're such a brother." Laughing, he leaned back, "Are any of them cute?" Your head snapped over to him as you hissed, "Theodore!" Wheezing, he slapped his own knee, "No, no I'm joking, but in all seriousness, I'm happy for you. It's good that you're getting out there more."

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