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» "Is this 911? A demon has entered my home! Send God!" «

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   "Miss Mycroft, mind answering this for me?"

   Looking up from your notes you nodded sleepily at your professor, the dull ache in your head pulsated from looking up too fast. He offered a thin smile, as you placed a hand to your head, before gesturing to the blackboard, "Detectives often start with this question when approaching an investigation. What is it I am referring to?" Sitting up straighter your leg bounced under you, in an attempt to wake yourself up more. "Cui bono."

   The dark haired man nodded, "And can you translate what that means?" "Cui bono is a Latin phrase which translates to 'who benefits' in English." Professor Lennox again smiled his infamous thin tired smile, "Very good."

   "Just one more question," As much as you loved this course you almost groaned out loud. Couldn't he let you doze off a little bit? You woke up with a killer headache and concluded you must have forgotten to take your sleeping medication last night. What made it worse was that you had no pain medications that would relieve you of your head splitting pain either. "The identification of a person using lip prints is.." He trailed off, rolling his one hand in a gesture to have you continue.

   "Cheilo-" You stopped mid-sentence to yawn and cover your mouth embarrassed before mumbling the rest, "-scopy.." Brows tilting the man clasped his hands, "Pardon?" "Cheiloscopy." "That's what I thought you said." Your lip twitched in irritation before he turned around and began writing on the board, before calling out a random student.

   "Miss Jacobs, what is a tale-tell sign that a person is deceased?"

   Sinking deeper into your seat your eyes darted to bore into the clock on the wall. Vision becoming hazy, you blinked quickly to regain your sight. Has the clock always had that crack? It ran right from the twelve at top to the five towards the bottom right. Tuning out the words of the teacher, it was things you knew anyway, you instead focused on the ticking of the clock. Tick, tick, tick. Your eyelashes fluttered to your cheeks, but you quickly snapped your eyes open in fear of falling asleep. Just a few more minutes.

   Did you have work today? It was Tuesday..so yes. Yes you did. Chewing on your lip you sighed internally and snuggled deeper into your crimson-colored jacket. Pushing aside the dread of how the day seemed to grow longer you tapped the table quietly. Maybe you would see Kaden or Toby again. Plus Lizzie would be there, and knowing that you wouldn't get many customers the two of you could just watch short-horror stories on YouTube.

   Coincidentally, your phone gave a short muted buzz. Gazing at the professor, you took your phone from your pocket and glanced down at it, allowing the face recognition to unlock the phone. Seeing a text from Lizzie your lips drew thin. A simple text that made you deflate and feel worse than you already did. "I'm not gonna be in today, sorry :(!" Curling your toes you bit back a sigh and proceeded to ask her if anyone would be covering for her, or if it would just be you. You wouldn't mind being alone, you just didn't like being the one closing up shop.

   "Uh I think Kaylee will be there?" It took all your willpower not to slam your face down on the table. Kaylee..was a difficult coworker. From the moment she was hired she despised both you and Lizzie, well maybe not Lizzie so much. She still found her annoying though, which you were absolutely confused by. How could she hate your sweet angel of a friend? "Sorry cherry ónò.." Massaging your temples you typed a quick "it's not your fault" and pocketed the phone, slumping against your seat.

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