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» "And let the darkness wash over me." «

jack enjoyers come get y'all's juice!!
(⚠️Sensitive topics⚠️)

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   Your forearms had been washed, disinfected and wrapped, they stung still even after you popped a few painkillers. Your cheek on the other hand, you just wiped away the blood and dabbed at it with disinfectant.

Your poor coat was tattered and laid out across your kitchen island, your dripping wet boots stayed by the front door, and you? You sat on the couch now with baggy pajamas and wet hair from a bath. While stalling you had managed to give the two dogs bathes as well.

When you came out of the bathroom, Jack had jumped up and rushed to your side. His hands hovered over you hesitantly, worried that you'd fall over or be in pain. He back up when he realized you shrank away from him. Unsure of what to do with his gloved hands he clasped them awkwardly.

Slowly you sat yourself down on the couch. Smile, being the smart creature he is, gently urged the other canine to Luca's room and followed after. Giving a sense of privacy. Again, Jack was hovering, but he had enough self-restraint and awareness to sit far enough to give you space. He wasn't wearing a hoodie, instead black jacket with a zipper and buckles on the sleeves. The hood was up covering his messy curls.

This was along with a similarly colored undershirt, gray cargo pants with one too many pockets, and a belt that held small pouches(most likely used to hold his scalpel and other such items). His masked looked a bit more roughed up than you remembered. It used to be cleaner, a dark navy blue. The color seemed a bit more washed out and remnants of black tar smeared down like tears under the eye holes.

Your nose and eyes were still itchy from unwept tears, along with your throat feeling dry.

"You left me."

Your voice was fragile and the words came out with a shaking breath, like it took you a moment to gather enough nerve to say it.

"You promised you'd be back," urging yourself to speak you continued, "but you just left."

Eyes feeling hot you glanced at him, you were displeased by how much you were crying even if tears hadn't escaped yet, "That's not fair."

Feeling the warm tears starting to flow you wiped your eyes with your sleeve, "That's not fair, Jack."

Your voice cracked the longer you spoke, "You can't just come into my life, let me get attached to you, be my friend, become part of my routine, make me feel cared for and then just..."

A sob cut your words short. Looking away you covered your mouth with the back of your hand, taking a minute to catch your breath.

"And then just leave."

Your shoulders hunched as despair constricted your lungs and chest.

Wiping your face again you gathered yourself and turned back to him.

"I missed you," you jabbed your point finger into his chest harshly, "I fucking cried myself to sleep because I was worried sick about you!"

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