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» "I'm not trying to do that whole dismissive thing, but...I'm dismissing it." «

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The sudden yell caused you to jolt awake. Immediately, you picked your head up, only to crash into something hard and sharp. Your head throbbed in pain, and you instinctively clutched your head whining, as you fell off the couch. Jack's head had snapped back to rest on the back of the couch, as he grabbed his chin, making a small grunt of pain.

You groggily mumbled out an apology for head butting him, before sitting up and rubbing your head. "Luca.." The said boy was standing in the middle of the hall, eyes trained on the suffering demon behind you. "..Go put a shirt on." Waving your hand dismissively at your brother, you began to stand up, using the coffee table as support. The brunette blinked owlishly, looking down at his nightwear, before glaring back at you. "No, no, first tell me what is going on!"

Pointing at Jack, who was now just massaging his jaw, Luca's eyes narrowed, "Who he is? Are you cheating on Mister Toby?" Now it was your turn to blink in disbelief at your brother. Shaking your head, the irritation of being woken up crawling up your back, "I-No, Luca I'm not even dating—okay, whatever, whatever," pressing your hands to your face; you attempted to wake yourself up, "Go get dressed and I'll explain during breakfast, okay buddy?"

Puffing out his cheeks, the young teen's brows furrowed. He glanced back over at the blue mask wearing man, and eyed him wearily, before turning and running back to his room. With that out of the way, you sighed and collapsed back onto the couch.

You could feel Jack staring at you. Turning your head, you raised a brow while running a hand down your face, "Mornin'." Sluggishly, you rubbed your eyes, and suddenly registered that your demon friend was sitting next to you. Eyes widening, you straightened, "You're..you're here." You figured he would have left. If he was here, does that mean that thing came back? Or did he just stay for the hell of it?

He nodded once, and you opened your mouth, only for him to raise a hand to stop you. He knew what you were going to ask, ask about what happened after you fell asleep—if anything even happened. And he would answer your questions..just not yet. He waved his hand off, before changing the subject completely, "Who was your bother talking about?"

You stared at him blankly, before you shot him an unimpressed look. "That's what you're worried about?" Ignoring the sarcasm, he nodded expectantly. The odd eagerness is his actions made your lips twitch into a grin, it was a strange sight to behold. Shaking your head, you looked away, "You're so weird. He's just talking about a friend of mine," Waving your hand dismissively you continued, "Nothing to worry your pretty little head over." Jokingly, you reached over and threw your arm around him, "You'll always be my favorite creep."

Completely glossing over the jokes, he shrugged your arm off before gazing at you intensely, "His name is Toby, right?" At this you frowned and leaned forward to prop your arms on your legs. "Yeah..what are you getting so worked up for?" Tilting your head to the side, your brows bunched together, "Are you worried about me or somethin'?" Before he could say anything, you sighed and leaned back, "It's nothing to worry about, he's just some guy I met during work. Remember that nervous guy I mentioned in texts? When I thought the store was getting robbed? That's him. He's awkward, but not dangerous." Giggling a bit, you poked the side of your friend's mask, "Unlike someone I know, who is both."

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