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» "I've always gotta think about stuff, you know?" «

omg lore!!!

also: Yes the other creepypastas will be met and the others who have already appeared will have more screen time again, a very specific event has to happen first 👁️👁️
it is linked to the recent events :3

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

   The car ride back home was quiet, with the exception of faint music coming from the car's radio. Habit didn't say anything to bother you, which you appreciated even though you still felt very on guard and distrustful of him. Maybe even a little scared now since he may have known about you longer than you knew him.

   Holding the medicine bottle in your hands tightly, you barely registered that the car had pulled up towards the dorms. Blinking out of it, you gathered yourself and nodded as thanks to the demon. Once the door was opened, he cleared his throat.

   Side-eyeing him, you hesitated, wondering if you should hear what he was going to say or not. The choice came too late as he spoke anyway.

   "Look...I uh, ain't to good at this comfortin' shit, and all that," he paused. You almost found it funny how he kept his eyes in front and his hands gripping the wheel tightly, it gave the impression that he was embarrassed to even be saying this.

   "But...uh, things will work out in the end. All of it, I mean. Just uh," he rubbed his neck, his mouth twitched in discomfort, "don't lose hope or somethin'."

   He muttered suddenly, "Shit this is hard. How does Evan do this..."

   The last comment actually made you grin a little, an amused huff escaped your nose. Hopping out of the truck, you glanced up at him with a dull hum. "Thank you, Habit."

   He glanced at you from the corner of his eye, he shifted uncomfortably, "Whatever."

   Shaking your head, you gave a small wave and shut the door.

   Dragging your feet all the way to your dorm—and getting irritated by the fact that the elevator was out so you had to use the stairs, you sighed heavily.

   Your body felt exhausted, probably from all the adrenaline and fear that was starting to give you a migraine. Despite this, you knew you'd have to take the dogs out for a walk.

   When the door was unlocked, you were met with the two furry beasts sitting there and looking up at you expectantly. Once you closed the door behind you, Luigi's tail started wagging as he stood, whining and pressing his snout into your thigh. Smile on the other hand barked at you once and paced circles around you and Luigi.

   Chuckling, you rubbed behind Luigi's ears, and crouched down to hold your other hand out for Smile. The husky came over after a second, sniffed your hand and then rubbed his face into it. With a small grin, you scratched under his chin. Shaking off the affection after a second, Smile dug his snout into your jacket pocket, huffing at something.

   Standing up and waving the dogs back a bit, you took out the bottle which Smile was investigating. Expression turning grim, you squeezed it once and shuffled past the canines to put it in the kitchen.

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