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Approaching the school, you breathed out, watching the cold puff of air. It wasn't too bad out, but still chilly. Theo had requested you stay home today, after the ordeal yesterday. Which you agreed to, after a bit of senseless arguing, but figured it wouldn't hurt leaving once since you had to pick Luca up from school. Sadly, today you couldn't bring him with you back to the dorms though. Your headache had disappeared and you didn't cough up any more blood since yesterday.

So far your day had been normal, you couldn't go to class since you didn't want to worry Theodore, so you just attended virtually. Thankfully, for once your professor let you keep the camera off since you didn't want to get out of your pajamas yet.

Jack didn't stop by at all yesterday or in the morning, which dampened your mood a bit, but then you realized you wouldn't want to talk anyway. You were too tired for that.


Blinking out of your thoughts, you grinned at the sight of Luca hopping off the bench he was sitting on, and running towards you. He usually sat at this bench beneath the shade, a few feet from his school to wait for you. The sun was lowering and the school grounds were practically cleared, but it wasn't late. Only four o'clock, the time you picked up Luca when he had club. A large smile overtook his features, before he ran right into you and wrapped his arms around your torso. Stumbling back a bit, you laughed and pat his back. "Hey buddy, I'm sorry I was a bit late."

Backing up, he looked up at you, excitement shimmering in his eyes. "That's okay! I had a really good day, today." Raising your brows, you took his hand as he skipped beside you. The walk wasn't far, but it wasn't short. At least your father's house was closer than your dorm, so Luca wouldn't have to stay out in the cold long. "Oh really? You gonna tell me about it?"

He beamed even brighter, "Well first, I got an one hundred on my English quiz!" Gasping, you smiled, "You did?!" "I did!" The brunette giggled, as you stopped and spun him around, "You got a hundred?! Ahh, Luca that's amazing!"

Placing him down, your heart melted at the proud look on his face. "I told you I would ace it!" Puffing out his chest, the young teen crossed his arms looking quite smug. Chuckling, you ruffled his hair, "I didn't doubt you for a second. I'm proud of you bud." His eyes quickly darted over to you for a second, before he looked away. His face appeared to light up more and his cheeks burned with embarrassment. How nice it was to hear his role model was proud.

Clearing his throat, Luca clapped his gloved hands together. "Anyway! Then in math class, we had a free period because Mrs. Smithson is sick. We're also gonna have a Halloween thing in History on Friday! And then, and then, I made a new friend! Her name is Raine, and she's really nice. She likes Pokémon, like me and Royce. She's in the gaming club with us." Taking your hand again, he swung them. "Oh! Oh! But something happened after school."

His excitement died down a bit, and his mood seemed to sour. Immediately noticing the mood change, you glanced over at him worriedly. Looking down at his shoes, he squeezed your hand. "Club ended early today, and since I had no way to contact you since I left my phone at home, I just sat on my bench for a bit."

Your brows dipped, and you opened your mouth to speak, but he kept going. "Eventually, some kids from the high school came by. I don't know why, but they started bothering me." You stopped, which caused him to stop walking. Your brother still refused to look at you and now he fiddled with his sleeve anxiously. "They uhm...they took my bag and started throwing it out of my reach. Then..then they started calling me not nice things."

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